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Chamber Choir at the Dudley Music Festival

Performing at the Dudley Music Festival on 7 March gave our Chamber Choir the opportunity to compete against other schools and develop their vocal abilities.  Here, Year 12 student Adele Cook gives us an overview of the day.

I really enjoyed the rehearsal process and the chance to see the pieces progress within each session – from notes on a score to harmonised sound.

For me, the highlight was the competition itself.  It gave us the ability to come together as a team, listening to each other and uniting as a whole choir.  It also gave us the opportunity to push each other and ourselves and I personally enjoyed the feeling of support that we all shared.  Just like when we toured in Paris a few years ago, this competition allowed us to adapt to a new situation and try something different and now we are a better and more unified choir as a result.

In the next few weeks, I am sure that we can use this experience to continue our success at the upcoming Worcester Music Festival and at many other competitions in the future.

I have really enjoyed becoming a more determined and united choir, ready to tackle any performance that comes our way and I know that we will all relish the challenge.