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  • 24/09/15

    Merchant of Venice - Year 8's Imogen Sings Her Heart Out!

    Last March Year 8 student Imogen was given the chance to take part in an RSC production of The Merchant of Venice.  Here, she tells us about the opportunity and the experience she had.
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  • 15/09/15

    Equestrian Success!

    Deputy Head Girl Alice Harvey and her mare Cool n the Shade took part in the British Riding Clubs National Eventing Championships in August.  
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  • 15/09/15

    Arkwright Scholarship Success

    Huge congratulations to Year 12 student Kate, who has won an Arkwright Scholarship.  Here, she tells us more about it...
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  • 15/09/15

    Y13 Amy's Fundraising Walk

    Since being diagnosed at 3 years old with Type 1 Diabetes, Year 13 student Amy has received medical care from the amazing staff in Diabetes Home Care at Birmingham Children's Hospital.  In December this year, she turns 18 and will therefore move into adult care at a different hospital...
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  • 16/07/15

    London Theatre Trip

    Below are some accounts of the Drama trip to London during Activities Week.
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  • 16/07/15

    Year 8 Trip to Bay of Naples During Activities Week

    Year 8 Latin students travelled to the Bay of Naples during Activities Week.  Here, Elizabeth Tiskina from Year 8 tells us about her experience.  
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  • 16/07/15

    Year 10 Workshop - The Merchant of Venice

    Year 10 were lucky enough to have Georgia Munnion from the Education Department at the RSC in to explore characters and themes within The Merchant of Venice.  They looked at the worlds created within the play and created 'machines' for each character which consisted of things...
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  • 16/07/15

    Year 8 Trip to Santander, Spain

    On 6 July,  44 Year 8 girls travelled to Santander, an area in Northern Spain which is sandwiched between beautiful mountains and a never-ending coastline.  
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  • 16/07/15

    Shottery Sports Personalities and Teams of the Year 2015

    What a fantastic year it has been for PE at Shottery!  There was so much choice for this year’s Sports Personalities and Teams of the Year, but we have our winners.  Congratulations and thanks to all girls that have taken part in the plethora of sports on offer here – you have...
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  • 07/07/15

    Year 9 'Poets of the Somme'

    During Activities Week, 39 Year 9 girls went to Belgium and France to research and explore the Great War and follow in the footsteps of some of the Great War poets. Mr Giles tells us more.
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  • 06/07/15

    Year 12 Biology Lab Day at Warwick University

    On Monday 29th June, Year 12 biologists were given the opportunity to attend a practical lab experience day at the biomedical department, Warwick University.  Alex Jenkins and Sophie Wouters tell us more:
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  • 29/06/15

    A Step Back In Time for Year 12 Historians

    The 29th of June saw twenty two Year 12 Historians take a trip back intime to visit the Tudors at Hampton Court.  Mr Giles tells us more...
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