Careers and Work Experience

Stratford Girls’ Grammar School supports its Sixth Form students with achieving their future aspirations, whatever they may be. Our record of helping students obtain places at Oxford University and Cambridge University is strong, as well as supporting students with applying for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science. We provide specific advice and support for these application processes, as well as support with the UCAS process and applications to any other university of interest. We also encourage students who are interested to apply for Degree Apprenticeships. We run a PracticalMinds support programme in Year 12 to prepare students for the recruitment process for apprenticeships. We also assist students with applications for work experience, gap year placements and other post-18 training schemes.
We never take for granted the role we play in shaping futures. Every subject taught at SGGS is specialised, but includes wider benefits that will develop overall employability skills. All students use a range of career planning tools, accessed through Unifrog, to focus on individual goals and achievements, designed to help them become ‘life-ready’, beyond their time in education.
We do not believe that either external providers or teaching-staff solutions are enough on their own. We want to give students the flexibility to ask questions and investigate career thoughts as soon as they have them. In our recent ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted report careers was described as a ‘strength’ of the school. Students at this school are well prepared for life beyond school. Mrs Lardner, the school’s Careers & Work Experience Coordinator is always available on-site; ensuring individual, impartial, career discussions can be provided at any time.
SGGS regularly hold career events, organise trips to universities and invite speakers and Alumnae to share their experiences with current students through assemblies and talks, both physical and virtual. Students take part in multiple career-focussed activities. This academic year we are planning on focussing on a number of national career campaign events including Green Careers Week and Creative Careers Week in November, National Apprenticeship Week in February and National Careers Week in March; this will include students taking part in the National Enterprise Challenge.
Futures Enabling Program
As part of the Sixth Form offer at SGGS we also run the following support programmes throughout Year 12:
· AspiringMinds – supporting students with the Oxbridge application process
· MedMinds – supporting students wishing to apply for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science
· PracticalMinds – supporting students interested in pursuing a degree apprenticeship
Click here to find out more about these support programmes.
Employer Information
We are very keen to engage with businesses and employers to help us inform and educate students about their future. We provide many opportunities for businesses to interact with students including work experience, SGGS Speaker Programme, Careers Fair and workshops. If you would like to get involved, please email the Careers & Work Experience Coordinator Mrs Lardner,
Careers in the Curriculum
The SGGS curriculum continually evolves to ensure students have the best platform for launching a successful future career. This is especially true of our Sixth Form, where career goals are discussed from the start of Year 12 and underpin the entire learning journey through to graduation. We tailor the individual Sixth Form experience to best support every unique aspiration our students have.
Students will learn about career opportunities within every curriculum subject area and understand the transferable skills that each provides. Every subject taught at SGGS is specialised, but includes wider benefits that will develop overall employability skills.
Parent/Carers Information
A dedicated email account is set up for communicating about careers ( All parents are given a briefing in Year 12 on CIAG and Unifrog, and given their own log in to the site. Parents/carers are invited to a Post 18 options evening in November to find out about the continued support students receive throughout Sixth Form to pursue their chosen pathway.
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) prepares SGGS students for real-life experiences and covers a vast range of different topics, including career planning. Taught during lessons and supported with ongoing conversations, our advice becomes less broad and more tailored to each student once they reach Sixth Form. Insight and extra learning opportunities are provided to investigate career choices, routes to specific jobs of interest, employment law, succeeding at interview, CV writing and more.
Key contacts
Mr Blackwall
Deputy Head and Careers Lead
Mrs Lardner
Careers and Work Experience Coordinator
Additional Resources
Career information and resources are regularly shared with students on both Microsoft Teams and via e-mail. All SGGS Students are registered with Unifrog, which remains available to them until they turn 25.