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  • 22/01/15

    Year 12 Musicians to Birmingham Conservatoire

    Musicians from Year 12 visited the Birmingham Conservatoire at the beginning of this term for their Open Day.  The Conservatoire Open Days, which are held twice a year, are designed to give students a real insight into student life, and include introductory talks, guided tours, open rehearsals...
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  • 21/01/15

    Shami Chakrabarti Visits Shottery

    Was the decision by the editors of Charlie Hebdo to publish a second cover of their magazine, depicting the image of Prophet Muhammad, the right one?
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  • 10/12/14

    Year 10 Site Visit

    Year 10 DT students were lucky enough to be invited to visit the site of our new build just before Christmas...
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  • 08/07/14

    Work Experience - A Day at Westminster

    Each year, Year 12s organise a work experience placement, to get a grip of the working world and an insight into the industry in which they are interested. Due to her interest in both Politics and Journalism, Georgia Holden chose to spend hers in Westminster, shadowing the assistant editor...
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  • 08/07/14

    Work Experience - Heath Lodge Clinic

    Grace Leach spent her work experience placement at Heath Lodge Clinic in Knowle, Solihull.  A private radiography clinic specialising in MRI scans and X-rays, she chose to go there because she is considering a career in the medical profession.  Here she tells us about her experience.
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  • 08/07/14

    Work Experience - Land Rover

    During her work experience week in July, Lucy Walker went to Jaguar Landrover and took part in the ‘Young Women In The Know’ course that is run by the company. 
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  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...