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Geography is a multi-disciplinary subject that is extremely useful in a world that increasingly values those who work across the physical and social sciences. Studying Geography at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School will see girls learn how to critically analyse data and read around their subject. As Michael Palin so eloquently put it, ‘Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?’


Sixth Form Curriculum

The Geography A-level course at SGGS will teach students about geographic information systems and how to turn maps from a two-dimensional representation of a country’s physical contours into a tool that illustrates social attributes or attitudes; not just where people live, but how, what they think and how they vote.

Students will also learn about the physics of climate change; the interaction of weather events and flood risk and the way people’s behaviour is influenced by the space around them. Developing knowledge and understanding of the selected physical, human and environmental processes that underpin key geographical concepts, students will consider place, space, diversity, interdependence, people and environment interaction; the processes associated with these and how they can change over time.

We promote the consideration of new ideas and developments about the changing nature of the 21st century, critically reflecting on and evaluating the potential and limitations of approaches and methods.  We also investigate the importance of scale as a geographical idea and carry out research and out-of-classroom work including fieldwork, as appropriate to the topics selected. Our annual five-day field trip is a highlight for most as it represents an excellent opportunity to have fun and further enhance geographical knowledge, skills and understanding in preparation for the NEA.

Geography is a broad-based subject with links to many other subjects such as Biology and Economics. Geography A-level can be used to access both arts and science based degree level subjects, whilst the subject itself can be studied as a pure or combined option – a uniquely flexible subject. This qualification appeals to employers for its emphasis on problem-solving skills, as well as the analysis and synthesis of a variety of types of data. Geography students will progress into a range of occupations such as planning, leisure and tourism, journalism and management.



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