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The Biology department at SGGS is a dynamic department with achieves consistently high results and places it within the top 25% of the country. We use a variety of engaging teaching methods to help students understand biological concepts as well as expecting students to study independently and research areas of Biology that interest them most. Our highly experienced teachers have a range of biological backgrounds, including biochemistry and biotechnology as well as experience from research and industry. Over 85% of our students go on to study biological and medical related courses including natural science and earth science at top universities. We are proud of our very strong links with our alumnae, with many students returning to give help and guidance to our sixth form, not only on the A level course itself, but life beyond SGGS Sixth Form and applications for Higher Education.


Sixth Form Curriculum

A Level Biology gives students an exciting insight into the contemporary world of Biology. It covers the key concepts of Biology and practical skills are integrated throughout the course. Students also learn to apply their knowledge, investigate and solve problems in a range of contexts, and learn the impact of biological research and how it links to everyday life. This combination of academic challenge and practical focus makes the prospect of studying A Level Biology highly appealing.

The department offers a wealth of support and enrichment opportunities, for example:

• Mentoring scheme run by Year 13 Biology ambassadors for Year 12 students

• MedSoc is run weekly as a preparation for students considering applying to Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary. Alumnae students now studying these courses are part of the programme. They share their experiences and offer advice for future applicants. Students also have opportunities to practice interview skills through mock interview sessions.

• Students take part in the Royal Society of Biology Intermediate Olympiad with many students achieving the top awards.

• STEM and Dissection club which are run by sixth form for younger students, provides leadership opportunities. Dissection Club gives the students the opportunity to develop their

dissection skills well beyond the specification and is particularly enjoyed by students wishing to read Biological related sciences.

• We also provide individual guidance on Personal Statement preparation.


During the course we have a number of off-site super-curricular activities including field-based practical work at an ancient woodland and site of ecological interest. We also attend a Biology Conference for A-level students where they learn about cutting edge research and a biomedical practical day at Warwick University. All of these activities are used to support students beyond the class room and into Higher Education and/or employment.



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