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Art, Craft & Design


With creative qualifications offering a vast range of transferable skills, Art and Design is highly valued by employers across different industries. Therefore, studying Art at SGGS Sixth Form will provide a solid foundation for progression to Foundation Courses and HE degrees, whether in a creative field or not.

Our diverse programme is led by Ms Hillier, who brings a strong background in the arts. Prior to teaching, Ms Hillier worked in the field of Fine Art Conservation and Restoration, working with leading art galleries, in addition to a background in media and advertising. Both teachers in the department are practising art specialists and encourage students to find their creative strengths by working across several disciplines from drawing and painting to printmaking, textiles, 3D design, sculpture, photography and film.


Sixth Form Curriculum:

We deliver the Art, Craft & Design A-level, as we believe this offers maximum diversity across a range of media, giving students the chance to specialise in Year 13, should they wish to, on Fine Art, Textiles, Three-Dimensional Design or Graphic Communication.

Students are provided with their own studio space for the duration of the course and are encouraged to make use of our print-making facilities and darkroom processes such as screen printing and cyanotype. Our passion is in encouraging our students to find their creative voice and develop an independent practice.

Students will be given one-to-one guidance throughout their course and will be encouraged to become confident artists, able to judge the merits of their work and increasingly independent in designing project content. Our students will begin to place themselves within the context of contemporary art and develop critical thinking skills through exploring integrated content. Generating practical work, ideas and research from sources, students will experiment with media, processes, develop ideas and present outcomes. They will explore a variety of Art and Design techniques and utilise this knowledge and understanding to produce an individual coursework portfolio. Much of the practical work for this syllabus is studio-based, which sits alongside an exciting programme incorporating artist workshops and visits, Gallery trips, life drawing classes, visits to degree shows and exhibitions. There is also the possibility of a short residential European trip in Year 13. These activities foster the abilities of observation and analysis of the visual world.

Students that have completed this course have progressed to university to study Fine Art, Textile Design, Fashion Design, Graphics and Advertising, Photography, Multimedia, Architecture, Product Design, Illustration and more. Many university courses are looking for evidence of creativity and the transferable skills that this course provides.

For more information, please view the latest resources available below.


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