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Careers Week 2016 - Y9 Careers Speed Dating Event

In our efforts to assist the Year 9s to gain insights into different careers and broaden their aspirations before they start their GCSEs, the Careers Speed Dating event was put together, inviting eight female speakers (from a variety of different career paths) to come along and talk to the girls about their experiences.  The idea behind running a Careers session like this was to make it slightly more informal, fun and accessible for the girls, whilst exposing them to a wide variety of careers in a short space of time.  

The event was a huge success, with positive and enthusiastic feedback from the Year 9 girls.  We asked Charlotte to give us a brief overview.

The careers event was definitely a worthwhile experience!  It was a fantastic opportunity for us to meet women with jobs in all different sectors such as law, the NHS, teaching, the performing arts, translation and the media.  My classmates aspire to many of these professions, and whilst I am not personally considering any of these career paths specifically, it was incredibly useful to talk to our guests and to learn about the qualifications and experiences that led to their current roles.  

There was a wide range of jobs of jobs: for example some of them worked for smaller companies; some for global businesses and some were self-employed. This too was relevant and interesting to us because we gained a real insight into what it was like to be in that type of job. 

Each of the guests gave great advice and the fact it was to a small group of us rather than an assembly hall full of people (as it often is) made it even more engaging and personal. Girls really took the opportunity to ask appropriate questions about work experience, previous jobs and even the pay scale!  

I am sure the rest of Year 9 will agree with me when I say that it was an amazing opportunity for us and we came away feeling more informed and perhaps even more motivated!  Thanks to Mr Giles for organising it.



Charlotte Arben Year 9