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"Governors know the school exceptionally well. Leaders are supported and challenged in meetings and in visits to the school. There is a shared passion across governors, leaders and the wider staff to develop the school further"


Stratford Girls’ Grammar School was incorporated on 24 May 2011 as a company limited by guarantee prior to academy conversion on 1 August 2011. The Company Number is 07646003.  The Academy has Exempt Charity status and is not VAT-registered.

The Members of the company are:

Richard Cox
Anna Harvey
John Millett
Diana Woods

The Chair of Governors is Mrs Clare Nicklin who may be contacted via 

All Governors of the School are Directors of the Company and the School Business Manager fulfils the role of Company Secretary.

Governors' Committee Structure & Responsibilities

Education (E)

  • To monitor and review all elements of the school’s Quality Assurance policies and procedures
  • To recommend for approval to the full governing body the:
    • Self-evaluation form
    • School/Academy Improvement Plan
    • Targets for school/academy improvement to the governing body
  • To agree and recommend to the governing body, a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum which is consistent the school’s aims and with statutory requirements, and which provides appropriate opportunities for learning and for experiencing high levels of achievement and success.

resources (R)

  • To overview all financial matters and in particular to review and agree the annual budget to ensure that all incomes, grants received and funds raised are accounted for and allocated appropriately to support the school development plan and to meet statutory requirements.
  • To ensure that the school is staffed sufficiently for the fulfilment of the school‘s improvement and development plan and the effective operation of the school.
  • To consider all requirements for additional funding from the Headteacher, Heads of Departments and other committees to support business plans and initiatives and approve the allocation of existing resources or instigate the raising of additional funds as and where appropriate.
  • To ensure that there are appropriate systems of control and accountability (including systems of inspection to ensure regulatory and statutory requirements are complied with).
  • To overview and monitor the management, development and maintenance of the school premises with a view to ensuring that the premises are pleasant and comfortable and conducive to study and also comply with Health and Safety regulations.
  • In particular, to seek to improve the premises of the school as specified in the School Development Plan and to endeavour to ensure best value for money with regard to any premises contract or project.
  • To set the programme of Internal Scrutiny for the year using a risk-based approach and receive reports from the relevant audits.

progress & well-being (PWb)

  • To overview all pastoral matters relating to children in our care and in particular to review the processes and procedures in place to do this.

  • To agree and recommend to the governing body the school’s admissions policy and procedures.

  • To overview all aspects of student performance across the school and make recommendations to the governing body related to student progress and welfare, including attendance.

  • To establish the school behaviour and disciplinary procedures.

  • To be responsible for safeguarding across the school.

Pay & Appraisal (P & A)

  • To be responsible for all aspects of appraisal for teaching and associate staff.
  • To agree and report annually to the full governing body on the performance of all staff and any associated pay progressions.
  • To act on matters delegated by the full governing body.
  • To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary.
  • To contribute to the School Improvement and Development Plan.
  • To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions.

Governors/Board of Trustees 2024-25

The Board of Trustees can comprise of nineteen trustees, including the Headteacher. Trustees (excepting the Headteacher) serve four years from the date of their appointment/election. Trustees for the academic year 2023-24 are as follows, with the date of expiry of their terms of office in parentheses: 
Current Term of Office
Name Committee(s) Date Appointed Appointed by        From             To                     Stepped down
Mrs Filiz Irvin (Responsible Officer) PWB 31/01/2023 Parents 31/01/2023 (30/01/2027)
Mrs Heather Kolar E 25/09/2023 Parents 25/09/2023 (24/09/2027)
Mr Sam Lawrence R 01/06/2022 Parents 01/06/2022 (31/05/2026) (19/12/2024)
Mr James Norris  E 31/01/2023 Parents 31/01/2023 (30/01/2027)
Mr Imran Waris R 25/09/2023 Parents 25/09/2023 (24/09/2027)
Dr Suzanne Griffiths E 25/09/2023 Staff 25/09/2023 (24/09/2027)
Mr Paul McAnaney  PWB 01/09/2016 Staff 01/09/2024 (31/08/2028)
Dr Anna Bayman (Chair of PWB and Safeguarding) PWB, P&A   10/02/2021   Co-opted - Board 10/02/2025 (09/02/2029)  
Mr Robert Fish PWB 11/09/2023 Co-opted - Board 11/09/2023 (10/09/2027)  
Mr George Fisher   12/02/2020 Co-opted - Board 12/02/2024 (11/02/2028)
Mr John Millett (Chair of Resources) R, P&A 01/07/2014 Co-opted - Board 01/07/2022 (30/06/2026)
Ms Clare Nicklin (Chair of Governors) P&A 01/09/2018 Co-opted - Board 01/09/2022 (31/08/2026)
Ms Janet Tomkinson (Chair of Education) E, P&A  15/012/2021 Co-opted - Board 15/12/2021 (14/12/2025)
The Headteacher
Mrs Jacqui Cornell E, PWB, R, P&A (01/09/2016) Ex-officio
Ms Joanne Betts
E – Education Committee 
PWB – Progress & Well-being Committee
R – Resources Committee
P&A – Pay and Appraisal