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The EU Debate @ Shottery

On the 13th of April Stratford Girls’ Grammar School held an EU referendum debate in which two guest speakers gave their arguments for leaving or remaining part of the European Union. Arguing that the UK should remain was Lawrence Brewer who studied export marketing at Oriel College, Oxford. He is currently vice-chairman of the European Movement in the Midlands. Arguing that we should leave the EU was Lord Willoughby de Broke. He is a member of the House of Lords and left the Conservative Party to join UKIP in 2007.

Mr Brewer argued that peace, prosperity and justice were three key reasons as to why we should remain in the European Union. He emphasised the fact that the EU member countries have not been at war since joining the EU. Lord Willoughby’s key argument on the other hand was that the UK needs to control its boarders in order to take back control of immigration. The three key themes debated about by the speakers were immigration, sovereignty and democracy and economics.

An opinion poll was conducted before the debate which had a turnout of 80%. Of this 80%, 67% wanted to remain, 11% wanted to leave, 21% didn’t know and 1% did not care.

After the debate, a vote was taken. 76% wanted to remain, 20% wanted to leave and 4% spoilt their ballot.


Daiya Dhillon, Year 13