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Shottery Girls Shortlisted for Finals of Apps For Good

A team of Year 9 girls has been announced as one of the finalists for the prestigious national Apps for Good Awards in the Connected Communities category, powered by for their app idea Lilies. The team has spent months working on the app, which helps support 10-16 year olds who have lost a loved one. 

Selected from hundreds of applicants from across the UK, the team behind will now pitch their app idea to a panel of industry leaders at the annual Apps for Good Awards, to be held on 20th June at the Barbican in London.

Now in its fifth year, the Awards recognise and celebrate young entrepreneurs. Any students who study the free Apps for Good course – currently being delivered in 1,000 schools nationwide – are able to enter the awards in order to have the chance to work with a professional development agency and have their app launched on the market.  The Lilies team are now down to the final three and competing against two other teams in their category in the hope that their app can be the one that is brought to life in 2016.

The team is made up of: Charlotte Stobart, 13, Izzie Stock, 14, Olivia Murray, 13, Arushi Sharma, 14, Rose Skirrow, 14, Mia Dunnakey, 14, who all took part in the Apps for Good course at school.

Mia Dunnakey commented: “So many children in the UK are bereaved and we just wanted to create an app to help them through a tough time. We are very excited to be in the final!”

Debbie Forster, co-CEO of Apps for Good explains, “Massive congratulations to Lilies for becoming a finalist in this year’s Apps for Good Awards.  The calibre of apps submitted from across the country was, once again, phenomenal, and proves we have a generation of very bright young digital makers, bursting with ideas and ready to thrive in a tech driven future.

“Our mission at Apps for Good is to equip these young people with the skills to allow them to move from being technology consumers to technology creators. We wish Lilies and all of the other finalists, the best of luck for the Awards ceremony”


More Reasons to Celebrate - More Awards!

Other prizes that have already been awarded to Shottery girls include the ‘Fellow of the Year’ award to Year 11 Katie Griffiths.  This prize is in recognition of her outstanding commitment to furthering skills in technology and entrepreneurship. 

The ‘Research Prize’, one of Apps For Good’s employability skills prizes, has been awarded to Team iBrowse for their app, ‘Briefcase’.  The team includes Checky Clutton, Jesse Lee, Molly Quelch, Lilian Waters, Katie Wellstead, and Jessica Zheng.  The award recognises the Briefcase team’s achievements in conducting research to understand their chosen market and users and analysing the information to create a solution.



About Apps for Good

Apps for Good is an education technology movement that is transforming the way technology is taught in schools, turning young tech consumers into tech creators. Apps for Good aims to unlock the confidence and talent of the next generation of problem solvers and digital makers: young people who are ready to tackle the 21st century workplace and are inspired to create real technology products that can change their world for good.

Working alongside educators Apps for Good has developed a free flexible course framework that infuses digital learning with teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurship. Students find a problem they want to solve and apply new skills to making a real life app, exploring the full product development cycle from concept to coding to launch in a way that brings the classroom to life.

Apps for Good partners with educators in schools and learning centres to deliver its app development course to young people 8-18 years of age. Since launching in 2010/11 Apps for Good has been delivered in over 1,000 schools to more than 50,000 students. Apps for Good is a registered charity and is supported by partnerships with companies and foundations who share their vision of improving technology education. Corporate partners and sponsors include technology leaders Thomson Reuters,, Nominet Trust and Samsung to name but a few.