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Team IV at the Young Enterprise Regional Finals 

A final update on the progress of Team IV is given here by Y12's Lizzie, following the Regional Finals of the Young Enterprise Scheme.

As part of curriculum enrichment, two teams of year 12's took part in Young Enterprise.  Four fitness, a sports clothing brand and Empire, who made recycled and Eco-friendly cushions.  Both teams got through the local competition and made it through to the Warwickshire competition.  Here, Team Four won and went on to the Regional Finals.

On Tuesday 21st of June, Team Four went to Shrewsbury to compete in the regional finals of the competition.  After focusing on exams for the past few months we were ready to get back into the Young Enterprise mindset.  Feeling both excited and nervous, we went on a two hour mini bus trip to the competition - practising our presentation on the way and we also had a motivational pep talk from Mr Mahony!  

We arrived and immediately started setting up our trade stand, which was something we were really proud of.  Darcie Robson from the marketing team had created an aesthetically brilliant and organised stand.  In the middle of our stall we had a promotional video for our fitness brand playing, and motivational music accompanying it in the background.  

Whilst others practised their presentation, the judges questioned those at the trade stand.  The excitement was high but nerves were rising as the presentation loomed.  Whether it was a good or a bad thing, we were presenting first!  Our team members; Ellie Lewis, Anna Webb, Kate Hewlett and Neve Tuckley gave a fantastic presentation - one of the best they'd done so far - and as they sat down again, our teams spirits were high.  Food was then served, which only added to our delight (!) and during the break, being a fitness brand, we took advantage of a photo opportunity by the football pitch.  Soon, the break was over and we all sat down to hear the outcome.  

As the results came in, we were sad to learn that we hadn't won any prizes and that this would be our last competition.  However, we still thoroughly enjoyed the whole day and although we are sad that Young Enterprise is now over for us, it's been such an incredible experience and our team has loved creating something we can be proud of.  Our business advisor Keith Andrews sadly couldn't make it on the day but he has helped us loads through the competition. Mr Mahony has also been really supportive to our team and given us great advice throughout, so we're really thankful to both of them for helping us get to where we got in the competition.