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Y7 Review Their Trip to Osmington Bay (PGL)

On the 4th of July, SGGS Year 7 went to Osmington Bay in Dorset. During the week we tried out lots of different activities ranging from giant swing to tunnelling, and abseiling to dragon boating.  We all had a great time!

The PGL experience was a fitting end to a fantastic year, full of exciting opportunities including visiting the National Space Centre in Leicester.  At the start of the year, some Year 7s took part in the school performance of The Lion King, which was a sell-out production!  We have also accomplished many sporting achievements such as the winning the 1st round of the sports hall Athletics &  Rounder’s tournaments at Alcester; these wins were celebrated at the annual Sports Awards Evening.

We reached more goals on PGL, some of us conquered fear of heights, whilst others grew more confident in different types of challenging areas.  One of the bigger challenges was the zip-wire, but in the end, with a little encouragement from others, most of us made it to the top, where the platform was.  After we were all safely attached to the line, we had to push ourselves off the edge, which is not easy considering your brain is telling you to do the exact opposite! Even some teachers joined in, and one of the highlights of the trip was watching Ms Barnett and Mr Reid whizz along, 10 metres up in the air…

The food was amazing, with a wide variety of choice for those with dietary requirements (and for those who are a bit fussy!), so no-one ever went hungry, although that might’ve been the sweets we bought at the PGL shop… There was never a dull moment, as we took part in 4 activities a day as well as an energetic night activity that always got everyone running around the centre before bed in our dorms, which we shared with 3-5 people.

If you ask any Year 7 girl, we know they’d all agree that PGL was one of the highlights of our year and was just incredible fun.  All of us would do it again if we got the chance!

Overall we think year seven has been fabulous. Bring on Year 8!

Mary Walton, Issy Warner, Amelie Sartain, Year 7 (just!)