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Head Girl's Review of Sixth Form Open Event

On Thursday 3rd of November, we had the pleasure of welcoming prospective Year 12 girls and their families to the school on our Sixth Form Open Evening, where they were able to have a good look around, find out more about their subjects, and learn about being a Sixth Form student at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School.  

The evening opened with a warm welcome from Mrs Cornell and Ms Bell in our Hall, and then guests were encouraged to spend time visiting subject presentations, our extra-curricular activity stalls, our extensive sporting opportunities and explore details of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).  We also had an interactive virtual reality experience as part of our computing offer.

As the Head Girl Team, we ran an independent session in the Manor, along with a small panel of our peers, where we were able to share with prospective sixth formers and their families our first hand experience of being part of the Shottery Sixth Form.  Topics covered included the opportunities available to us, the Shottery environment, life in the Manor, trips abroad (including South Africa and New York), our plans for the future, and much more.  We then opened up a Q&A session and had some really great questions about work experience, extra curriular acivities, life beyond sixth form and what the term 'Shottery girl' really means.

Feedback both during and after the evening was incredibly positive.  For those that were unable to join us, there will be a follow up session on 5 December, the details of which will follow when they have been finalised.   

Thank you to all those who came along to visit our school - we hope you had an enjoyable and informative evening and we look forward to seeing you again.

Ellie Meeres, Head Girl