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Salters' Festival of Chemistry

An article written by four budding Year 8 chemists - Katie Wellstead, Bella Earle, Elizabeth Tiskina and Charlotte Pound - about their trip to Birmingham University for the Salters' Festival of Chemistry.

On 21 April we took part in the Salters' Festival of Chemistry, at Birmingham University.

We were involved in various challenges throughout the day, competing against other schools. It was really fascinating and fun at the same time.  The Salters' challenge was a simulated forensic analysis of a crime scene, in which we had to work out through various practical tests and logic who the killer was. 

For the much more difficult University challenge, we had to find a substance to neutralise both a bee and wasp sting.  The challenge took place under timed conditions and then we had to show our findings to the invigilators, which was quite nerve-wracking!

Both challenges were really good fun (and hard work!) and we worked incredibly well as a team. As well as the competitive events we were lucky to enjoy a very exciting “Chemistry Magic Show” held in one of the University lecturing theatres. This was definitely the highlight of the day, as it was amazing to see some of the things that chemicals can do, in an engaging and enjoyable performance.

All of us thoroughly the day, and it was a great to have the opportunity to be a part of the experience.