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Excellent A-Level Results for Students at Stratford Girls' Grammar School

 - We congratulate all our 112 A-level students on their tremendous achievements.

In light of the changes to A-level this year and the uncertainty that this has brought for all students, parents and schools nationwide, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School is pleased to report its continued academic success with another set of excellent A-level exam results for 2017. We congratulate all our 112 A-level students on their tremendous achievements. 44% of all grades were A* or A, and 76% of all their grades were A*, A or B, within a 100% pass rate. In addition, the school achieved 67% at AAB in facilitating subjects, the subjects that open doors to the top universities' courses.


Headteacher Mrs Jacqui Cornell said: “This has been a year of great uncertainty for everyone involved – students, parents, staff and universities – so we are delighted in the light of the changes to A-levels that our students have performed so well and we are enormously proud of each and every one of them. These results reflect not only their academic ability but also their considerable hard work, determination and resilience. Our congratulations go to everyone! ”


Among the highest achievers were Hannah May and Kate Bassil, who will be taking up their places at Cambridge to read Engineering. This achievement is on the back of their success as part of the team involved in building our first car in school. Five others also obtained Oxbridge places. Over 80% of our students secured a place at their first choice universities, in an eclectic mix of modern and traditional subjects, which include Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Economics, Law, Medicine and Politics, but also Marine Technology and Naval Architecture. It is also interesting to see high-flying girls taking up other options, such as employment and apprenticeships.