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Year 9 Visit to Oxford University

On Thursday 13th May, a group of Year 9 girls headed off to St Hugh's College, Oxford University.  We were greeted by a former Shottery student, Alice McCallum, who had attended the College and is now working there...

After some tea and biscuits, she gave us a talk on what qualities, characteristics and grades Oxford looks for in an applicant, and what the university can offer the individual. This was very interesting as it made us really think about our plans and goals for the future. After answering all of our questions, she introduced us to five current undergraduates, who were studying a wide variety of different subjects, ranging from law to modern languages. This was also very informative as it gave us an insight into the daily life of a student there, such as lectures, accommodation and most importantly - the nightlife!

We were then split into groups, each undergrad giving a group of us a tour of the building. We were shown the library, the common room, and despite the rain, the beautiful gardens. We were then taken to the huge dining hall, where we enjoyed a delicious lunch, along with the other students. After stuffing ourselves full with the wonderful chocolate cake, and in my case, more tea, a professor gave us a lecture about women in ancient Roman and Grecian society, where we learned about the tradition of Greek bear worship, the disgusting prospect of arranged marriages and read some of the first poetry ever written by a woman. The talk intrigued me as ancient history is something I really enjoy and a subject which, one day, due to my experience on this trip, I hope to study at Oxford!

My friends and I found the day to be a huge success.  It helped us all to think about our current options in life, and plan what we need to do in order to accomplish to achieve our goals in the future. Thank you to all the teachers who arranged and accompanied us on this fantastic trip. I understand that there are more such trips in the planning!

Bella Abrey, Year 9