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Model UN Meeting at Oxford University - A Student Review

On the 3rd of November, 14 Year 13 students travelled to Oxford University, Christ Church to take part in the three-day Model United Nations Conference, with students from all over the world including China, the UAE, Madrid and many others. The conference included an open ceremony with speakers, a tour of Oxford and then a lively and stimulating debate on two topics.

The UNHCR discussed women’s rights in the Middle East and then the topic of migrants and their rights. Both were very topical, and it was engaging to argue on behalf of a country with which we were not wholly familiar, but also to debate and negotiate with people we hadn’t met before.

We followed UN procedure, debating in the format of moderated and unmoderated caucus. Learning the format of the United Nations was fascinating. In addition to this, we had to negotiate as our countries in order to formulate resolutions. Dealing with crises in a similar way to the way the UN would, we were able to experience global politics in action. Overall the experience was invaluable, and we are enormously grateful for the opportunity.

Vickey Steed, Year 13