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Jack And The Beanstalk - A Comment From The Chorus!

Year 7 student Lily McGarty won a part in the Christmas pantomime production of Jack And The Beantstalk at the Stratford Arts House.  We asked her to tell us more about it...


I’ve always loved to dance and perform so when the opportunity came up I couldn’t wait to audition for the pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk. It all started in September when I and lots of other girls went to audition at the Stratford Arts House.  I was a bit nervous, but my excitement overtook that.  We had to learn a short piece of choreography and then perform it in groups – a lot of times!  We didn’t find out how we’d done until the next day so it was a nervous night of waiting.  When the email finally came through I was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to begin.

Rehearsals weren’t due to start until 10th December, just 10 days before the first performance, but on that day we had snow for the first time in years, so the first rehearsal was cancelled! That meant just 9 days to learn 8 dances, including technical and dress rehearsals!  I wondered how on earth we would all remember it.  I was in Team Emerald with 6 other girls and it didn’t take long to get to know each other as we learned the dances, our lines (I had 3!), the acting scenes and the 3 (some of them very quick) costume changes. 

My first performance, of 9 in total, was on 21st December and the auditorium was full!  I couldn’t wait to get on stage and start performing to a live audience.  It went really well and after that each performance was easier and more enjoyable.  The cast were really friendly and made us feel very welcome. I didn’t want it to end! 

Although it was really tiring and it meant no free time at all for 3 weeks, performing even on Boxing Day, it was a really enjoyable and such a worthwhile experience.  I would definitely love to do it again and very much hope to get the opportunity.  Dancing is my passion (I love all forms of it - particularly contemporary dancing) and I’m hoping to start a course at a performing arts academy soon.  I don’t know where my love for dance will take me but I wouldn’t hesitate to do panto again (Oh yes I would!).

Lily McGarty, Year 7