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Careers Week 2018 - A Review

We had a busy week!  A fantastic experience for the students, the feedback has been hugely positive.  We decided to review the week...

Year 9 Ryman National Enterprise Challenge

On Monday 9Th March, the whole of Year 9 was off timetable to take part in the UK's leading enterprise and employability competition, the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge.  Working in teams of six, students completed tasks such as choosing a team leader; designing a new stationery product; creating a name, slogan and logo; and producing advertising materials and YouTube adverts. They then generated a final pitch to present in front of their peers and a judging panel consisting of the National Enterprise Challenge staff, Ms Bell and Mrs Cornell.

The winning team was made up of Inci Akalin, Caitlyn, Everett, Pravani Hanumanula, Lily Olsson, Jasmine Simon and Isabella Wicks, with their campaign entitled ‘The Bell is Back’ and the slogan ‘Keep it right, keep it Ryman’. They will be attending the National Finals event on 4th July, where they will pitch their ideas again for the chance to present on stage to Theo Paphitis. We wish them the best of luck!





Speakers and Assemblies

On Tuesday 6th March we welcomed representatives from the HS2 Project and the Lear Corporation to speak in our whole school STEM Ambassadors Assembly about the different opportunities in the world of engineering.

Other speakers in school for National Careers Week included Julia Speed, who spoke about Personal Branding to Year 12 and 13; parent governor Simon Lowe, who gave a fascinating assembly to Year 10 and 11 about Careers in the Arts; Claire Shaw, an ex-SGGS alumna who is now a lawyer working in Business Crime, Ethics and Compliance; and Jasmine Hyde, another ex-SGGS alumna who spoke about her career in acting to Year 7 and 8.

On Thursday 8th March, Year 11 and 12 heard from current Year 12 and 13 students about their work experience placements, including tips on how to get a placement and make the most of the opportunities that arise.


Careers Fair

Following on from National Careers Week, SGGS hosted our second biannual Careers Fair on Tuesday 13th March. This event saw a huge variety of companies and educational organisations exhibiting in the hall and dining room, with careers talks throughout the evening, proving to be extremely popular with students and parents alike. Topics covered included ‘Why go to University?’, ‘Jaguar Land Rover Engineering and Finance Apprenticeships’, ‘Routes into Law’, ‘Careers in the NHS’, ‘CV and Interview Skills’ and ‘Money Skills’.

Thank you to everyone who attended our careers events this year, we look forward to more exciting activities in National Careers Week 2019!