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Published Poets, Eesha and Ella; the Literary Talk of the Town

Congratulations to two nascent literary stars; Ella Roberts (Year 8) and Eesha Mohan Clarke (Year 7), whose poems have been selected from hundreds of entries to be published in the Stratford Upon Avon Literary Festival's Felix Dennis Poetry Anthology

Ella, whose poem ' I Will Go On' was inspired by Maya Angelou's tour de force ' Still I Rise' and Eesha's reflective ' How?' concerns itself with  the theme of identity.  She explains how she was inspired by the memory of a primary school friend whose drive to fit in with the crowd sometimes led to compromise and ridicule. Her poem begins, " I lie in wait of times to come, The fire burning, the men who run..." Both girls adopt the first person narrative voice to use the poetic form to concisely convey powerful emotions through incisive language.

Entries flooded in for the competition  from students across the region.  A panel of acclaimed judges including children's author Tracey Corderoy and TS Eliot Prize Winning Poet Don Paterson made the difficult decision of which poems to publish. Ella and Eesha's poems appear in the 11-16 age group category.

The Stratford Literary Festival is now in full swing with Warwickshire Children's Poet Laureate, SGGS student Annabel Peet having also performed her own spectacular verse at venues before a live audience.