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Year 7 Maths Students Visit The Crystal for Cracking The Code Competition

Last Friday myself and Miss Martin took 4 Year 7 students down to London for the final of the Cracking the Code competition. The event took place at an amazing location, in a building called The Crystal in east London, which overlooks the River Thames, directly below the Emirates Air-Line cable car.

The day consisted of exploring the building, playing on the interactive exhibits, presenting their idea to some judges and an awards ceremony. The students gave a brilliant presentation to the judges, with clear explanations of their four problem-solving activities as well as how they used teamwork, solid organisation and time management to pull their ideas together.  Unfortunately they didn't win, but they had a fantastic day nonetheless.

We not only had a great time at the final, but also thoroughly enjoyed travelling around London, with ice cream along with way and homemade brownies for the train ride home!

Miss Berry, Maths Teacher


Back in January, a few of us from Year 7 entered a maths competition called Cracking the Code, which involved designing an escape room relating to maths. Just before Half Term, four of us (Amelia, Zoë, Priyanshi and Eesha) heard that we had got through to the next round and so on Friday 22nd June we travelled to London for the final.

During the trip, we saw so many amazing views, looked at thought-provoking displays and got the chance to present our escape room to the judges. We took the 07:30 train to London where we then took the underground and the DLR (one of London’s driverless train lines) to The Crystal (one of the world’s most sustainable buildings). When we arrived, we presented our ideas to a panel of judges before exploring the building. Although we were a little nervous before the presentation, we persevered through it (even with the PowerPoint acting up!) and managed to complete our pitch - without any noticeable mistakes.

After lunch, we went to the awards ceremony. We didn’t win but it was lots of fun. We then went on the Emirates Air-Line cable car across the Thames. It was an amazing day and the sunshine definitely helped. Even with the early start, the whole day was really fun and we learnt a lot. There were some fascinating speakers there, including Robert Eastaway (author of many books promoting mathematics) and Yogesh Chauhan (the Corporate Sustainability Director for Tata Consultancy Services).   Our thanks go to Miss Berry and Miss Martin - it was an incredible opportunity and we loved every minute!

Amelia Parkin, Year 7