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SGGS Geography Department Wins Again and Starts Planning!

The Geography Department are very pleased to announce that they have been awarded one of only one hundred Place Makers board games, available from the Royal Town Planning Institute. The game itself is roleplay-based and asks students to decide where they would plan to build 500 new homes in an imaginary town (RTPI Town). Students will need to consider social, economic and environmental impacts before reaching a decision - this encourages them to use a whole host of cross curricular skills and to communicate effectively!

In order to be awarded the board game, which is aimed at the 14-18 age group, we had to submit our ideas on how we would trial the game within school. This is an extract from part of our submission -

"we would like to test the resource with Year 10 during our Enrichment Week in June (linking it to our Eco - School/sustainability initiative), then again whilst away on our field trip - a great evening activity after a busy day in the field and relevant to the Changing Economic World topic. We would then look to use it with our new Year 12 cohorts on their induction day, as well as with Year 13 during the first two weeks of the autumn term - linked to their  A-level Changing Places topic".

A big thank you to the RTPI Education Team for awarding us a Place Makers game and especially to Mr Harris (father of a previous Shottery student and proud geographer - Beth) who very kindly brought this opportunity to our attention.

We are very much looking forward to playing this over the next few weeks and then again next term. If any departments or individuals would like to borrow this resource then please contact Mrs Whan in Parks or via email.


Below, an extract from the RTPI website

The RTPI is launching an interactive role play board game - called Place Makers - for students aged 14-18 to get them thinking about planning and inspire the next generation to join the profession.

The teaching resource encourages students to think about how they would plan for 500 new homes in an imaginary town – RTPI Town – and consider the economic, social and environmental impacts of their decisions.

Andrew Close MRTPI, Head of Careers, Education & Professional Development said:

“We’ve made this teaching resource interactive and hands on so that students get a real taste of the exciting work planners do. It will help students explore and practice a range of key study and life skills through role playing situations professional planners deal with. We hope it will inspire the next generation to pursue a career in planning.”

Place Makers - Box

Place Makers is designed an education tool for teachers to use and RTPI Ambassadors will be able to support them in using it in the classroom with students.

It has direct knowledge links to secondary geography curricula across different specifications.