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2018 A-level Results

Our congratulations go to all of our A-level students as we, along with the students and their parents and carers, celebrate another year of excellent results and some truly fantastic grades.  Our outstanding results reflect not only the hard work, resilience and determination of our students, but also the expertise of our teaching staff and their commitment to securing the flightpaths of our learners to their chosen destinations. 

Of the 98 students sitting A-levels this summer, 57% secured  A* or A (a school best for the last six year and an increase of 12% from 2017), while 79% of  their grades were at A*, A or B, which marks another year of continuous improvement in the school’s overall A-level success.

Headteacher Mrs Jacqui Cornell said: “We are immensely proud of what the students and staff have achieved this year. As in previous years, having been alongside these remarkable students through the highs and lows of their studies, it is truly gratifying to see everyone’s hard work pay off in fantastic results and entry to desired courses at university, apprenticeships or employment. We are pleased to see that our students and staff have again risen to the challenge of further new A-levels this year. A huge well done particularly to our students, but also to the parents/carers and staff involved!”

Among the highest achievers were Lucy Hong (five A* grades) who will be taking up her place at Cambridge to read Medicine, and Georgie Cherry (four A* grades) who is to read Maths at St Andrew’s.  Five others have also obtained Oxbridge places. Over 90% of our students secured a place at their chosen university, on a wide range of courses ranging from Architecture and Astro-Physics, to Rural Management and Food Science. As in previous years, a small number of high-flying students have taken up other options, such as employment and prestigious apprenticeships with companies including JP Morgan and Lloyds Bank.  

As the newest members of the SGGS Alumnae Society, we would like to wish each of our students every success on their next adventure and are proud of our own contribution to ensuring the best possible outcome for them in terms of their destinations.