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Eurocamp 2018 - An SGGS Student's Experience

This Summer, SGGS student Rowan spent two weeks in Saumur, France, as part of a twinning programme run by Warwick Town Council.  Each year one of the four partaking towns hosts four students from each country, who complete a community project.  Here, Rowan tells us more...

Our project was conservation and restoration of part of the island in Saumur.  The end of the island had become basically abandoned, yet needed to be protected as the river it is in is home to some extremely rare birds.

Over the course of two weeks, we cleared up the site and built many things to make it a useable area – such as benches out of the wood that had been cut down to clear the area, as well as repainting an old boat to later be turned into a picnic table. I really enjoyed the hands-on experience in helping to create a place that is now regularly used by locals.

I can honestly say it was one of the best things I have ever done.  Within hours, we were all really good friends despite the language barriers.  I met so many wonderful people who I know I will never forget – to the extent that one of the French guys came to stay with me for a week in October.  It was so much fun and wasn’t all work; we had many day trips including a day at the beach, and a day going around the castle.

From the massive street party to the picnic under the stars, this trip holds so many incredible memories.

Since coming back, I have had the chance to present back to the Town Council, so that it can be even better next year. My part in Eurocamp is over but it is something that helped me grow so much as a person and will always be part of me.

Anyone age 16 and over can apply, as long as you live in the CV34 postcode. It is an all expenses paid trip that I would highly recommend it as it is the experience of a lifetime.

Further information & application form can be viewed on the website

Applications close in January, and if you want any more information come and ask me or email Warwick Town Council.

Next year it is being held in Verdun, Germany and I have no doubt it will be an inspirational trip for whoever is lucky enough to go.  I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I had to be a part of this brilliant scheme.

Rowan Garwood, Year 13