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A Ring, A Swan and a Slipper: Visiting Authors Inspire Creative Ripples

LITFEST 2019 continued its creative ascent on Wednesday March 6th when The English Department welcomed visiting authors: Jenny Heap ( mum to Kitty in Year 11), Terri Daneshyar and Sue Newgas to the school ready to deliver creative writing workshops to Key Stage 3 students.

Armed with curiously bulging carrier bags our visitors shared props with classes as a means to focus their creative energies. Students were encouraged to think their way around the eclectic scatter of ornaments, clothes and toys to devise a character inspired by one item.

It's funny how props can release creativity; with something tangible in your hands all sorts of ideas come flooding into play. Commenting on the girls' responses our authors were astonished at the range and depth of creative ideas that bubbled in each of the classrooms. No doubt ideas will be developed at a later stage with SGGS English teachers... watch this literary space.

During the lunch break author of young adult fantasy novel Paladin, Terri Daneshyar explain to listening Key Stage 4 and 5 students the creative process, from initial idea through to publication, behind her inaugural book. A revealing Q and A session answered budding writers' questions on issues as far reaching as: earning whilst you write, self-promoting and fleshing out a good idea.

Our sincere thanks go to Jenny, Sue and Terri for volunteering their time. 

Terri's book Paladin (which sounds utterly gripping) can be ordered via the school library fro a reduced price of £6.00.