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Introducing Our New 'Isolation Blog' Series

We would like to reassure students and their families that our school community is continuing to thrive during these unique and challenging times.

Thanks to our innovative technology systems and the continued hard work of our teachers and associate staff, we are already operating a ‘virtual’ school with minimal disruption to learning.

In addition to the lessons, contacts and resources already being accessed, we will be producing an ongoing series of weekly blog articles, starting this week.

We will use these blogs to share best practice tips from mentors and peers, update you on ongoing creative initiatives and champion the fantastic work you continue to produce.  

We are living through a historic time and can draw strength from the heritage that connects our community. Isolation is not easy, but it is important to remember you are not alone. We will continue to support you in every way that we can.

You will be able to access our blog updates on our website, on social media and via the school app. We will endeavour to maintain these articles on a weekly basis until we are able to welcome you back to school.