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A Great Way To Spend 25 Minutes Every Day!

Isolation Blog Series: 1

Fitness is an essential part of remaining healthy, especially during isolation, so our Teacher of PE, Emily Dent, is running live daily exercise videos at 9am Monday to Friday. (Monday, Wednesday and Friday over the Easter break).  Links to the live streams are posted on Microsoft Teams, accessible by every year group and available to anyone in the school community, including teachers and parents!

Each day has its own focus and follows an ongoing fitness plan:

  • Monday – cardio and leg
  • Tuesday – cardio and arm
  • Wednesday – cardio and core
  • Thursday – whole body
  • Friday – student choice

A 25-minute ‘hit workout’, every session begins with a warm-up and is followed by 30 second activities and breaks, then 40 second activities with 20 second breaks. No equipment is needed to take part and exercises are designed to be suitable for either inside the home or outside.

Student choice on a Friday has already proved popular, with those participating messaging their exercise ideas to the PE department and the best suggestions being included in the next video. This level of ownership keeps motivation levels high and routines interesting. 

Each live stream is recorded and available to revisit if you miss the session or would prefer to schedule this in at a different time of day. The only person visible to anyone on the stream at any time is the teacher.

As well as teaching PE, Emily Dent has played National League Hockey and is involved with the school Netball programme. Emily said, “There are a number of great online exercise workouts for children being shared nationally, but we wanted to provide something unique that focuses on the interests of our students. It’s a great, healthy way to remain in regular contact and keep fit at the same time. There is no pressure to take part, but we highly recommend giving it a go. You will be surprised how energised the routines make you feel.”