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Launch of New Transition Programme

Our A-level transition programme, known as Step into Sixth Form, is set to launch on Monday 11th May. This initiative has been devised by teachers at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School to ensure all students can confidently start Sixth Form life in September.

The programme aims to highlight the fundamental skills needed for A-Level study and introduce students to some of the materials and wider reading that will foster inspiration and preparedness. The new resource is being made available to current Year 11 students from Stratford Girls’ Grammar School and also to students who attend other schools but are prospectively interested in joining our Sixth Form.

A fortnightly release of materials is planned for each subject area, with content differing dependent on the subject of study. Many introductions will involve video and voice-over presentations, followed by taster lessons and opportunities to virtually meet the relevant tutor. With a view to the summer holiday, reading lists will be made available and some areas will set mini projects such as practical and research tasks. To keep minds fresh, a series of problem-solving exercises and linguistic challenges will also be provided.

It is important to remember this is not a test. Feedback will still be given, often collaboratively, to consolidate learning and understanding. Whilst some work will be elective, there are compulsory elements to the programme too. For example, all students will take part in study skills though a MOOC offered by the University of Bath.

We understand that some students are undecided on their next steps and hope this programme will help provide some clarity as well as support those who already have a strong understanding of the route they wish to take.

If you are an existing student, you will receive an invite to the relevant group on Microsoft Teams.  If we have received your application to join Sixth Form, you will receive an invitation to join Teams.  If you have yet to apply to us, but want to be part of this programme, please email our Sixth Form Administrator Mrs McGuire ( who will take your details and get you logged on.

If you would like to change one of your subject choices, please get in touch with Mrs Emms or for any other general Sixth Form enquiries please email Mrs Bradbury Grubb.