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Rachel Hunwick, Science Technician

Throughout the lockdown, many members of staff at SGGS have gone above and beyond, adapting their usual job roles and responsibilities in order to help the school maintain the best educational provision possible. In our latest isolation blog, SGGS Science Technician, Rachel Hunwick, shares her own unique experience.  

Over to Rachel...

The past few months have been a time of change for us all. We've all had to adapt and for some, it has meant an extra work workload whilst for others not much work at all.

My usual role in school is in the Science department, based in the Prep Room.  I am part of a team who work together to make sure all the Science teachers have everything they need for practical lessons.  We then clear away afterwards, making sure it's clean and ready for use again.  So plenty of washing up and the dishwasher gets put to good use on very busy days!

A new experience

Lockdown has obviously therefore meant a change to my norm.  SGGS has remained open throughout lockdown for the more vulnerable children and the children of keyworkers.  I was part of a number of staff members who were asked to cover the school Reception during that time, and I was pleased to help where I could.  It was a bit daunting on my first afternoon, but information had been left to help us through. 

To begin with, it was very quiet with just a couple of enquires to deal with each day.  This was at the same time that many people were searching for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  In my previous job, I had worked at a pharmacy, so I was asked to use my expereince and see if any local pharmacies needed our SGGS Science safety glasses.  A doctor’s surgery and a pharmacy nearby were delighted to collect them from the school a few days later.

Reception has become a much busier place now that there are more pupils and staff around.  It has been great to see everyone and put some names to faces in school. The phone has started ringing more too, which is keeping everyone busy! 

What I am looking forward to

It’s been an interesting experience, helping out in a different part of school, but I have to say it will be good to get back to my usual role in the Science block! I can’t wait to visit my own grown-up children, who live in Ireland, and go for long walks on the beach with the dogs before coming back to school in September.  Have a great summer, everyone!