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Q&A with Year 12

In our latest blog, we asked SGGS Year 12 students how they have found the first year of studying at our Sixth Form. Responses have been provided from students who have studied at SGGS since Year 7 as well as students who joined us for their A-levels last year.


What were your highlights of Year 12?

Georgina: “The engaging lessons. I really enjoyed debating certain topics (especially in Politics). Having independence in free periods with the ability to study in silence in the library or discuss certain topics with other people, as well as going into Stratford at lunch with my friends and Volunteering on a Wednesday afternoon was very rewarding and enjoyable.”

Gagandeep: “Having the freedom to take control of my learning, as in my free study periods I could choose what I was going to revise, where I was going to do it and take time to relax and destress as well. Being able to have really in-depth conversations in class about the subject with the teacher made classes really interesting and exciting to participate in. Also, using the Manor as a place to socialise and relax with friends was really nice”.

Coral: “I looked forward to my all lessons as they were always engaging and it's a pleasure to be taught by people who all have a genuine passion for their subject. I also enjoyed developing my independent time management and study skills which will be invaluable to me at University and beyond!”


What are you most looking forward to in Year 13?

Georgia: “I am most looking forward to progressing through our A-level courses, as generally Year 12 A-level content formulates a foundation of knowledge upon which Year 13 content extends. We will develop our learning and knowledge even further and have the opportunity to apply what we have spent so long studying in Year 12 to our studies in Year 13.”

Charlotte: “I'm looking forward to being able to make choices and steps towards achieving my plans for after Sixth Form. I'm looking forward to having guidance and being able to ask questions in person so I feel confident for my future plans.”

Zara: “I am looking forward to continuing my learning and developing more new skills for life.”


What advice you would give to a Year 11 student considering their options for Sixth Form?

Zoe: “Go wherever you feel is best for you, regardless of where your friends are going. Also, if you are joining as an external student, try not to worry as you will quickly settle down and make friends.”

Isabelle: “It's worth thinking about where you want A-levels to take you. If you are thinking of taking a science degree, you will often need A-level Maths alongside it. Check university courses (seems a long way off, I know) to ensure that the subjects you want to take are compatible for that opportunity.”

Evelyn: “Definitely come to SGGS, it’s such a warm environment and it truly feels like a family.”