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Changes Made to the SGGS Site over the Summer

In our latest isolation blog, Linda Casement, SGGS Facilities Manager, discusses the changes SGGS have made to enable students and staff to return to school safely post lockdown.

Over to Linda…



New procedures, same high standards

The first thing our students will have noticed when arriving at SGGS is the new one-way system going around the school, clearly sign-posted by floor markings to ensure appropriate distance and no over-crowding at any time. Staggered start and finish times have been implemented for different Year Groups to avoid any rushing, which has worked very well so far. The school daily timetable has also been altered so that tutor time takes place in the mornings, allowing a smoother process for required movements under the current restrictions. We have even created additional learning spaces, with Shakespeare, Arden and Hathaway rooms now being used as Sixth Form classrooms.

It was important we organised bubble areas for teaching and socialising time (such as lunch and breaks), with each group having access to an outside space as well as the classroom. We understand fresh air is essential for health and wellbeing. Each Year Group has access to its own designated toilet facilities and students are encouraged to wash their hands regularly, with portable basins and hand sanitisers available outside of every room.

Duty Cleaners are on hand to wipe down classrooms between bubble changes and remain on site to deal with high traffic zones and pinch points, such as door handles, throughout the day. Our PE Technician is cleaning PE changing rooms between PE lessons and, at time of writing, no PE clubs have started; but this is under constant review. Masks have been made compulsory for all kitchen staff and midday supervisors, whilst Perspex screens have been installed on reception, at the heads of house office, pastoral desks and in the library.  First Aiders have been provided with full PPE and fully trained with the correct protocols of dealing with unwell students and staff. Safe spaces have been prepared for anyone who begins to feel unwell.


Safely accessing school grounds

There are now four main access points to SGGS. Pedestrian access before and after school is now through Shottery fields, via a gate manned by a member of SGGS staff. During the day, all access is through an electronic pedestrian gate adjacent to the cottages at the front of our school. Additional gates have also been installed onto our sports field, so it is only accessible to the SGGS PE department.  Vehicle access to members of staff is also granted via newly installed electronic gates, which are timed to open to allow school buses in and out. School buses are all coming directly on site and public buses are stopping in nearby Shottery village. Between 9am and 3.30pm all school gates are locked and the site is secure. 

As part of the recently completed renovations to our historic manor, new security lighting has been installed and Yew hedges around the front of the building have been included, in line with Grade 2 listing, which also ensures further privacy.


Action now and in future

SGGS takes its role in ensuring safety very seriously and would like to reassure parents that all government guidelines are being followed.

I am delighted to report that students are coping well with the changes we have made around school and there is a general feeling of happiness at being back with their friends. We have worked hard to ensure a safe environment has been devised and continue to do so for the ongoing protection of students and staff. Everyone at SGGS remains committed to the happiness, safety and security of our school community.


*A note from Jacqui Cornell, SGGS Headteacher – “I would like to thank all the members of our site-staff team for their hard-work during the Summer. They have gone above and beyond for the benefit of our students and staff. Thanks to their dedication, everyone can return to school safely and enjoy a new year of learning at SGGS.”