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Winning Entries

In our latest blog, we reveal the winners from the recent SGGS House Acronym Competition, where students were tasked with coming up with creative acronyms that represented what they thought each House stood for.


You might find that you use acronyms more often in your daily routine than you realise. Acronyms are simply abbreviations created from the first letter of each word in a phrase or series of words. Perhaps your most common use is for memory triggers during your studies to condense critical information into a memorable format?

More recently though, the House Captains launched the House Acronym Competition, which aimed to get students thinking about what their House meant to them. The House Captains were astounded with not only the quantity of responses but the outstanding quality of the submissions as well. Despite being separated during these unprecedented times, each House came together and demonstrated the Stratford Girls’ Grammar School spirit.


A few words from our House Captains…

The House system here at SGGS is second to none and incredibly strong within Orion.

Spirit is a primary aspect of any House, but we feel Orion does it the best (by far!).”

Orion Captains, Kirsty and Eleanor


We were blown away by the numerous entries we received for the House Acronym competition (more than any other House). Every entry was an amazing example of the creativity at the heart of Ursa.”

Ursa Captains, Katherine and Holly


“Our competitions, such as the House Acronym Competition, have encouraged involvement from across all Houses. We have already been overwhelmed by the high quality of submissions from Cygnus students, and we can’t wait to announce our winner.”

Cygnus Captains, Imogen and Imogen


As Phoenix House Captains we wanted to try and help students engage with their fellow students and have run an acronym competition in which we received 25 amazing submissions. It was so hard to decide upon the winner, but we believe that the winner really represents what it means to be part of Phoenix House.”

Phoenix Captains, Millie and Emma


Finally, the winning acronyms are…

CYGNUS - Winner:  Izzy Hudson

Caring Young Girls Now United Swans


ORION - Winner:  Katherine Gordon

Our Roar Inspires Others Now

PHOENIX - Winner:  Lottie Atkinson

Perfect House Of Enthusiasm, Niceties, Individuality & eXcellence 

URSA - Winners:  Lisa Godsell and Salma Ahmed

Unique, Resilient, Smart, Achieving