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Sixth Form Induction Day 2015

Sixth Form Induction Days were held on 25 and 26 June this year.  With exams over, proms on the way and Summer in sight, our exciting programme aimed to give all the girls - old and new - an insight in Shottery life as a sixth former, both inside and outside of the classroom.  Here, Georgia Coles from Year 12 tells us how the day went!

The first day began with ‘mingling’ in the Manor, so as to give girls a chance to mix with their potential new peers, from both Years 12 and 13. Next up was a Welcome Assembly with Headteacher Ms Barnett and Head of Sixth Form Ms Bell.  Girls were then entertained by a ‘Keeping up with the Shottery Girls’ Q&A session with current Sixth Formers – giving our guests a chance to ask absolutely any questions they wanted and be met with honest answers!

After break, prospective students had two periods of lessons in which they were invited to have tasters of the subjects they had chosen and meet the relevant teachers. Girls also took part in competitive team building activities and the following day, there was the opportunity to take part in subject-specific Q&A sessions and have some more taster lessons.

Shottery is renowned for our fantastic enrichment programme, and during the Sixth Form Induction days, we made sure that there were plenty of activities on offer.  On Day 2 we had another Assembly, informing girls about our enrichment offer, including details on the AQA Bacc scheme, Sports, Young Enterprise, and our Engineering programme.  The Assembly was then rounded off by our Head Girl Team, who shared their top 10 tips for Shottery Sixth Form!

A delicious catered lunch was provided for everyone, with further chances to mingle and enjoy our beautiful Manor garden. Final words were shared by both our Head of Sixth Form and Headteacher before our guests departed for an exciting summer full of sun, fun and exam results - good luck to everyone!