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Our Community Back On Site

In our latest blog, we look back on our first week of on-site COVID testing and address some of the changes that have been put in place to ensure the protection of students and staff on their return to Stratford Girls’ Grammar School.


Everyone at SGGS has been thrilled to welcome students back into school this month. Our virtual learning capabilities have remained steadfast but returning to school undoubtedly provides the best environment to learn and of course to reconnect with friends. Beyond academic subjects, we are excited to once again explore vital skills that are developed through face-to-face interaction with peers such as respect, tolerance, communication and resilience.

We understand that prolonged periods of isolation will likely provoke some concerns about returning to school during these strange times. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to remind and reassure parents/carers and students that the safety of everyone on site remains our highest priority and we are actively implementing strict COVID guidelines.

The government have assured the public that they believe that school is a safe environment. We are fully committed to following this official guidance. With the success of the ongoing national vaccination programme and the security of knowing that many of those who are vulnerable are protected, we are looking forward to a sense of normality resuming. SGGS will always be a safe space for all students.


Testing protocols

SGGS is very serious in the protection of staff and students and we are delighted that during the first week back, students have coped very well with the changes we have made.

All students will have now received their first test on return to the school site last week. Arrival times for testing were staggered by Year Group, with students arriving through specified gates and attending designated areas to receive their test. Many of these tests took place in either the Main Hall or a newly designed Testing Centre we have established in our Sports Hall. After testing, students were required to wait until they have received a negative result, which took approximately 30 minutes. They were then free to join their timetabled lessons. We would like to thank our students for efficiently following our procedures to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Further tests will soon be arranged in school, with times and dates for these being sent to students directly. Following the third set of these tests, home testing kits will then be distributed. Further information about home testing will be provided in due course.


Addressing Concerns

The safety measures in place at school should reassure students and parents/carers that our environment is both secure and appropriate. Beyond testing, students are required to wear a mask within our public spaces, including classrooms. We continue to promote regular hand-sanitising and increasing ventilation and time spent outdoors. We have also re-introduced one-way systems and year group bubbles.

Everyone at SGGS remains committed to the happiness, safety and security of our school community and therefore we encourage students to create opportunities in tutor time to share and discuss any concerns they may have. It is essential that we overcome our apprehensions so that we may redirect our focus on the positives of returning to school.