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Step into Sixth Form 2021 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Next week, the annual SGGS Step into Sixth Form programme launches for our current Year 11 students. In today’s blog, Dr Griffiths, Head of Sixth Form, shares insight into the changes to this year’s provision and the continued pastoral care available to all students at SGGS.

Over to Dr Griffiths...


Our A-level transition programme, known as Step into Sixth Form, is set to launch for another set of SGGS students on Monday 24th May, before a second phase designed for external applicants launches on Friday 2nd July. Devised by teachers at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School, this programme ensures that all prospective A-level students can confidently start Sixth Form life in September.

The programme introduces the Year 11s to our beautiful Manor, the home to our Sixth Form. It aims to highlight the fundamental skills needed for A-Level study and introduce students to some of the materials and wider reading that will foster inspiration and preparedness. From next Monday, students will take part in a four-day timetable consisting of their chosen Sixth Form courses which will provide an insight into what life is like in our Sixth Form. This includes access to all Sixth Form resources and a first-time exposure to having study periods. We are also planning a few fun activities and intend to collect and build memories along the way.

In November 2020, our ‘Sixth Former for a Day’ initiative gave the current Year 11 a first taste of Sixth Form lessons and activities. The success of this day and the great feedback we received informs the programme for next week.  


Reflecting the times

Our Step into Sixth Programme last year was unique as it launched during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such the programme was delivered remotely and featured a fortnightly release of materials for each subject area. Many introductions involved video and voice-over presentations, followed by taster lessons and opportunities to virtually meet the relevant tutor. This year we are able to deliver this programme face to face, and we are really excited for students to be with us in school for this holistic experience.   

Our Sixth Form really is something special - a unique historical centre that is also geared up for modern study and learning. Our track record of excellent results speaks for itself and our UCAS offer rate is exceptional. By choosing SGGS Sixth Form, students are opting for an environment that challenges them to exceed all expectations. We aim to ensure this is exemplified during our Step into Sixth Form programme and that students learn what the step up in responsibility means for them personally and academically.


Enabling better decision-making

Selecting A-Level subjects and choosing a suitable Sixth Form to encourage and promote your success can be a daunting and overwhelming process. At SGGS, we are aware of the challenges in making these decisions and are, therefore, always on hand to assist students who feel they would benefit from the exceptional pastoral care available at our school.

My advice to students taking part in the Step into Sixth Form programme is to make the most out of this opportunity, to ask questions and think about long-term aspirations. Some of the feedback we received from last year’s programme was that the experience was significant in solidifying decisions, both in terms of deciding to remain at our school and also the subjects to study. For some, this event increased confidence in pre-chosen courses and for others, these activities enabled the discovery of new options and ways of thinking.  

We understand that some students are entirely undecided on their next steps and hope this programme will help provide some clarity, as well as support those who already have a strong understanding of the route they wish to take. It is important to remember that final decisions do not have to be made until Results Day (12th August) and the more known about the options available, the better-informed choices will be.


If you would like to change one of your subject choices now or in future, please get in touch. We operate an open-door policy in the Sixth Form office which means students can talk through concerns or issues at any time with a member of our fully qualified team.