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Year 11 reflect and remember their time at SGGS during memory week


As our Year 11 students look forward to leaping into Sixth Form, we recently celebrated their achievements and commended their hard work and resilience through several memory capsule tasks, to mark their previous five years at the school. In this week’s blog, we reflect on the memory-making activities that took place in school with Year 11 last week and share some of their fantastic experiences and creations.



A reflection of their journey at school

Monday’s activities started with designing personalised books filled with pages of special moments that students particularly wanted to remember. Decorated with a collage of images from their Year 7 and 11 student photos, each book was carefully crafted with specific themes on every page that represented each individual. Featured inside was a page dedicated to a playlist of songs that sparked memories from their favourite discos or theatre productions, as well as an envelope containing a note to their future self and an aspirations page for their travel, study, career, and life goals. Also included was a page of black-out poetry that encouraged students to get creative and rip a page from a novel and use a sharpie to mark out words or quotes that reflected themselves and their journey at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School.

The book-making sessions ensured all students had the opportunity to reflect on their wonderful and individual time at SGGS and allowed them to have a physical capsule of memories that they will treasure and look back on in the future.


Taking inspiration from an ancient tradition

Wednesday 26th May proved a significant day at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School as the entire Year Group worked together to create a traditional cloth sculpture that entailed taking strips of material, writing good luck wishes to their fellow Year 11s, intertwining them together to form one continuous curtain. The beautiful display was then hung onto the school oak tree, and took inspiration from Anne Hathaway’s famous cottage where a similar sculpture exists. The cloth is tied between trees that represent a blessing that will bring wishes and ambitions to life.


Sticking with the theme of nature and growth, students also took this opportunity to plant a maple tree in the Manor Garden for everyone to enjoy when they return for their A-Levels. Buried within the soil of the maple tree were handwritten notes which contained private messages to themselves about a personal challenge they wanted to overcome, such as to be more confident or try something they’ve held back from before.


A Year unlike any other

The planting ceremony acknowledged the unfamiliar 12 months that our Year 11s had whilst working remotely and virtual learning through video calls. It also celebrated what they have to look forward to when they return to the school as Sixth Formers and Alumnae. The honour of planting the maple was taken up by our oldest Year 11 student, Aurora Sampson and our youngest, Stella Wilson

Under normal circumstances, our Year 11 stand down activities can often be very emotional as they take a moment to remember their experiences from the past five years and reflect on what they have achieved and how much they have grown compared to their Year 7 self. However, this year there was a range of emotions as some students felt they had blossomed and become stronger. The memory sessions were especially meaningful and representative of what they have been through this year and what is to come for their bright futures.


Over to our Year 11s…

Olivia Finch

“Being able to compare my Year 7 self to now and seeing my own personal, as well as physical growth, was my favourite part about the memory book-making sessions.”


Arabella Chappelhow

“This week’s activities have given me the opportunity to reflect on my time at school and reminisce over five years of memories.”


Amy Dunnakey

“I really enjoyed the memory-making experience as it allowed me to be nostalgic about my time at Shottery and look back on my journey since the very first day of Year 7.”


And finally …

We would like to wish all our Year 11s the best of luck as they transition into their chosen next steps and remind you all to enjoy a restful break over the summer period. Congratulations on all of your achievements not only this year but during your entire time so far at SGGS.


We look forward to welcoming you back to school in September.