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Life as a Sixth Form Student : Catching up with Mia

We have checked in with Year 12 student Mia, who joined our Sixth Form in September. Mia has previously blogged about her initial observations of life as a Sixth Form Student at Stratford Girls Grammar, we wanted to see how she was getting on...

"My time at SGGS, following on from my smooth and enjoyable introduction, has been an eye-opening experience and I am excited to continue studying here with the outstanding facilities and opportunities that I am presented with. This includes the extensive range of extra-curricular clubs available to me, as well as curriculum programmes that are catered specifically to challenge and prepare us for further study. 

I feel as if everyone in this environment is committed to setting me up for an amazing future, by giving and leading me to new opportunities which strengthen my personal statement continuously. Careers talks and advice sessions based on my future career paths and core skills are available to me on a weekly basis. These not only provide me with invaluable insight to vocations and pathways but also a sense that I am getting a good head start in reaching my aspirations. Organised by our committed careers advisor, these talks are thoroughly enjoyable and highly informative. They range from experienced professionals taking us through a day’s work, to charity and company officials providing insight in to more unique and inconspicuous paths. They have become an integral part of my sixth form experience.  

The possibilities in this Sixth Form are endless, due to the expanse of roles throughout student leadership and house council.  The rigorous application processes allowed me to develop key skills that will prepare me for interviews in the future. I have taken part in the House Captain applications and have relished this chance because it has been extremely beneficial. Interacting with my peers, all of whom are like me in ambition, has made the process inspiring and built my confidence.  

But perhaps one of the most amazing aspects of being here is how valued and respected we are. All are seen as advanced and sophisticated individuals with distinct skills. Our inclusive SGGS atmosphere is all about a variety of diverse backgrounds coming together from different communities.  The school’s commitment to ‘Shaping Futures’ has instilled itself naturally into my SGGS lifestyle, equipping me with essential skills for my post sixth form studies and adventures, as well as allowing me an advanced education. "


You can read Mia's earlier Blog here