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Year 8 Trip to Bay of Naples During Activities Week

Year 8 Latin students travelled to the Bay of Naples during Activities Week.  Here, Elizabeth Tiskina from Year 8 tells us about her experience.  

During Activities Week, the Year 8 Latin class visited the Bay of Naples. For all 20 of us this was probably one of the best weeks of our lives! Not only did we spend 5 days in a beautiful, warm (or very hot, in fact) country with our closest friends and had the privilege to enjoy the sights and culture of it, but we also enjoyed a very enriching week finding out the background to what we had learned in class for the past two years and saw everything first hand. An extra bonus was the fact that we could apply our knowledge of Latin by using it to try to decipher the very fast and slightly unintelligible Italian language… which, looking back, did not always work.

Our week included activities like visiting Pompeii and Herculaneum, both of which were highly interesting and were a real eye opener to see in real life after simply studying photographs in textbooks. We also visited Villa Poppaea at Oplontis, an extremely well preserved villa still almost intact after the eruption of AD 79. We all enjoyed this very much as it was incredible to get a feel for what life was like 2000 years ago and to see such details from that era as the brightly coloured frescoes remaining on the walls and floors. Of course, we also climbed Vesuvius- enough said!