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A Cinderella Story : Year 12 student's 'Amazing' portrayal of the classic fairytale character.

Last week a group of our students and teachers went to support Year 12 student, Alexandra, in her portrayal of Cinderella at the Midland Theatre Ballet. Simran, a year 8 student, couldn't help but write about her experience of the night:

Saturday 28th May, the first day of the half-term. What were you doing? Did you have a lie in, invite some friends home, or just relax with a book?

On this day, Alex Wojahn-Parker played the role of Cinderella in a ballet of dazzling costumes, extravagant jumps and AMAZING dancing. There were over one hundred dancers, each of whom never spoke, just danced to convey their characters yet each scene was crystal clear and every character's role was understood from the minute they jumped on stage.

The first act is an introduction: it shows Cinderella doing chores, working for her step-sisters, and being friends with the two cats, Ginger and Ella, and two mice, Augustus and Juliana. This act also has the sisters prepare for the ball and leave Cinderella behind, until she sees the fairy godmother. Act two is much shorter but just as fabulous: we see the Palace and the prince dancing with Cinderella, until the clock strikes midnight and she must run away. Act three is just as long as act one, if not slightly shorter: Cinderella comes home, we see others try the Crystal Slipper, and eventually, Cinderella fits the slipper and she is whisked away (by the fairy godmother) with the Prince for their wedding celebrations, ending the play with a traditional happily ever after!

Shouts of “I loved it” and “the costumes were amazing” could be heard as we walked out of the theatre, the last scene of Cinderella still on our minds. The play was perfect, no hesitations, mistakes or anyone out of place, not knowing what to do or where to go. Everything was thought of, from the side the dancers walked on stage to their final pose, there was even someone to design the programme! It was a team effort, well done to all the dancers, directors, choreographers, assistants, teachers, photographers, costume designers, set designers, makeup artists and everyone else involved.

I could go on and on about how spectacular this ballet was, but I'll finish here, with one last Well Done to Alex Wojahn-Parker. You were amazing!