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Rowing Success!

Year 9's Gracie tells us more about her team and their fantasic achievement at the 2015 Henley Sculls.

We had beaten Henley Rowing Club at Wallingford long distance Sculls on the 26th September by 3 seconds, so our coach was determined for us to do it again at their own head race.  On Saturday we had our chance at the 2015 Henley Sculls.

I rowed in a coxed quad in the second division. We were one of the last competitors to boat. The race was 3k and we sat at the start for about 45 minutes. When the race started we were set off 15 seconds apart from the other competitors in the race in front of us and our race because it's a timed race (not head on head).  At about the 750m mark we overtook the crew in front of us which was a j15 crew (Year 10s) and by the end of the race were catching up to the crew in front of that!  None of the crews in our race/category caught up to us so that made us positive that we had come about 2nd, but not believing that we had beaten Henley again.  Although we didn't think we had won we were still so proud of the way we rowed and felt happy that we had tried our absolute best.  None of us were disappointed in our performances. 

However when the results came in it turned out that we had beaten Henley by 13 seconds as well as all the other crews in our category!  I was so proud of myself and my team - I think we put everything we could into that race.  Everyone else in our club did fantastically well too, with Jess winning Gold and the others getting great times as well.  I think overall it was a hugely successful day and when we next saw our coach he was ecstatic that we had beaten one of the best clubs in the country, so we were all delighted.