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Year 8 - ELD Geography Field Trip

Year 8 visited Stratford-upon-Avon on a Geography field trip for ELD this year.  It was an enjoyable and interesting experience which helped to widen our knowledge of Stratford as both a tourist destination and a historic town.  The first thing the girls did was to find their way to a six figure reference near the old Brass Rubbing Centre to register. 

Throughout the day, we took part in four activities. One was an environmental evaluation of the streets of Stratford, where we looked at all aspects of the road; from its condition and cleanliness, to its pollution and traffic congestion.  This gave us a view on how well kept the roads are in the town.  The highest mark on the bi-polar scale was plus two and the lowest minus two.

Another activity was the town trail, which involved us searching everywhere to find clues relating to the history of Stratford.  It certainly developed our map reading skills and we all took away some new facts from completing it!  We then did a pedestrian and traffic count, where we were given specific roads to tally how many people, cyclists and vehicles passed by on each side.  This allowed us to highlight the busiest and quietest streets in Stratford.

After lunch we carried out a land use survey on one street in town, where we had to note down the category of each building - residential, commercial, services etc.  It was surprising to find out how many residential areas there are in a town as touristy as Stratford!

Lastly we had to take a photograph of what summed up Stratford to us and annotate it. We had a great time and expanded our knowledge of the town, as well as our map reading and data collection skills.  Overall, the day was very good fun!