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Year 12's Eleanor tells us about the ELD STEM experience.

For our ELD, Thursday 26th November, a group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students interested in engineering, physics and maths had the opportunity to met engineers from two companies: Costaine and Morgan-Sindall.

The morning was spent with Costaine and focused primarily on careers in engineering and routes into the industry.  Several different areas of the company were represented and we were able to ask about what these people did, and how they got to their current positions.  This enriched our knowledge of the industry and gave us a better understanding of what individuals do on a day-to-day basis.

The afternoon was based around a practical challenge with Morgan-Sindall, in different cross-year group teams we were tasked with building a bridge out of the not so traditional building material of uncooked spaghetti, paper and hot glue!  Each component had a price which added to the cost of the structure.  The bridge that supported the greatest load to cost and weight ratio was the winner.  Extra points were available for the group that could explain the forces acting on their design.  Representatives from the company acted as advisers and judged the final presentations.

We would like to thank both companies for what was a very informative and enjoyable day and our thanks also go to Mrs Cornell for organising it.