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Charitable support and activities are important to develop a sense of citizenship; in terms of individual engagement, participation and collective activities and events at school, they all lend themselves to a broader sense of social responsibility, and we recognise the importance of this as we shape the futures of our students. 

The knowledge that you are helping others is enormously empowering and in turn can make you feel happier and more fulfilled.  Indeed, research has identified a link between donating to charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that registers pleasure, further supporting the old adage that it really is far better to give than to receive!  Having the power to improve the lives of others is a privilege, and one that comes with its own sense of responsibility.   It is this sense of obligation that we believe helps our community to reinforce our own personal values and know that we are living in a way that is true to our own ethical beliefs.

Our Sixth Form Charities Committee takes the lead in organising the majority of school events, working with our Charities Staff Link.  One of the first tasks undertaken by the Committee Leads is which charities to support for the year. All students are able to submit suggestions and the Committee Leads create a shortlist from which the charities are chosen.

Our charity for this year is:

The Magic Breakfast

This charity is aiming to end hunger as a barrier to education in UK schools through the provision of healthy breakfasts to children living with food poverty.

Alongside The Magic Breakfast, we are also continuing our support locally of:

The Foodbank

We have supported this charity for several years, and were the first school in Warwickshire to launch a collection point for our community. This year, we decided to help boost the profile of this fantastic initiative.


In addition to The Magic Breakfast and The Foodbank, we also supported #HelloYellow for Young Minds Matter, a charity whose mission is to "make sure all young people can get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what."  We also regularly support the MacMillan Coffee Morning, in the Staff Room and in Years 11 to 13.  Year 11 are invited to the Manor to take part, which always ensures large participation!


Previous charities have included:

  • Save The Children (£600)
  • Dementia UK (£1,250)
  • Children In Need (£475)
  • Railway Children (£1,250)
  • Save The Rhino (£400)
  • ActionAid UK (£600)
  • #HelloYellow Young Minds Trust (£2,100)
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