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  • 23/07/20

    Jo Pearson, Careers & Work Experience Advisor

    In our latest blog, Jo Pearson, SGGS Career and Work Experience Coordinator, shares some insight, tips and resources available for deciding what route to take after receiving A-level grades.   Over to Jo …   University Choosing a course at university enables you t...
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  • 19/07/20

    Why Choose SGGS Sixth Form?

    There’s still time to study at SGGS Deciding where to study for A-Levels can feel like a daunting task, especially if you are not sure exactly which path you want to take in future. If you are currently struggling to choose between staying at/joining SGGS compared to another one of your opt...
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  • 19/07/20

    Welcome from Headteacher Mrs Cornell

    In our latest blog, Jacqui Cornell, Headteacher welcomes our leavers to the SGGS Alumnae. Despite unprecedented circumstances, another set of GCSE and A-level results have now been shared with students who find themselves busily executing plans that will lead to exciting futures. Many of our...
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  • 19/07/20

    Q&A with Year 12

    In our latest blog, we asked SGGS Year 12 students how they have found the first year of studying at our Sixth Form. Responses have been provided from students who have studied at SGGS since Year 7 as well as students who joined us for their A-levels last year.   What were your highli...
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  • 19/07/20

    The Final Part in The Series

    Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, SGGS Year 11 students have shared their thoughts and feelings via a series of blogs. Below, we continue to share excerpts from these written submissions, illustrating and exemplifying this unique and unprecedented time.   Julia Zampronio Gurden I t...
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  • 19/07/20

    The 2nd Part in our Year 11 Student Voices Series

    Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, SGGS Year 11 students have shared their thoughts and feelings via a series of blogs. We are currently sharing excerpts from these written submissions, illustrating and exemplifying this unique and unprecedented time.   Sacha Wilson I feel incredibl...
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  • 19/07/20

    The Final Part of our Student Showcase

    In the latest addition to our isolation blog series, we are continuing to showcase some of the fantastic poetry creations that have been shared by the English department since SGGS students and staff went into lockdown.   Life Continues in Lockdown – by Lucy Yang Darkness has des...
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  • 19/07/20

    Hear From Some Of Our Year 11 Students...

    Part 1 Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, SGGS Year 11 students have shared their thoughts and feelings via a series of blogs. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing excerpts from these written submissions, illustrating and exemplifying this unique and unprecedented time.   Juliet...
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  • 19/07/20

    Student Showcase

    Part 1 In the latest addition to our isolation blog series, we are showcasing some of the fantastic poetry creations that have been shared by the English department since SGGS students and staff went into lockdown. Check back next week for Part 2!   Life in Lockdown by Millie Drayson...
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  • 16/07/20

    SGGS House Captains

    Hello everyone, Lockdown has certainly not been what we expected when we applied to be House Captains a few months ago, but not being in school hasn’t stopped us from producing creative and interactive projects! If anything, it’s exposed us to more opportunities as House Captains...
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  • 10/07/20

    Aby El-Bekai, Teacher of English

    In our latest isolation blog, SGGS Teacher of English, Abigail El-Bekai, explains how prevalent social topics, such as Black Lives Matter, have been explored by students during the annual SGGS reading week In addition to the impact of the coronavirus, it is clear that racism has caught the at...
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  • 07/07/20

    Review By The PE Department

    In our latest blog, the SGGS PE department explains how they devised a new format for the annual Enrichment Week, creating activities suitable for lockdown living. Every year, students at SGGS take part in Enrichment Week, a fun-filled five days that involves trips out, visiting other countri...
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  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...