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  • 28/04/20

    A Beautiful Selection of Poetry

    Have a look at some of the stunning work created by students from 8S...
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  • 28/04/20

    From Jon Blackwall, Deputy Headteacher

    Welcome back to the summer term, albeit a very unusual one! I hope you have managed to have a good Easter break, and that you are adjusting to life under lockdown without too much trouble. It is a very strange time for us all, particularly Year 11 and Year 13, who are set to begin the next stage of...
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  • 23/04/20

    Part 1 - Hanna Vine, Deputy Head Girl

    As part of our ongoing blog series, our new Head Girl Team will be sharing a typical day in the life for them during the current circumstances. You may seem similarities to your own day or even pick up some hints and tips for alternative ways to educate and entertain yourself and your family. Our fi...
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  • 23/04/20

    SGGS Scoops Second Place in Government-backed Eco competition

    **PRESS RELEASE** A student from Stratford Girls’ Grammar School has come second in a government-backed national schools’ competition.  Katie Phillips (Year 13) from Hatton, took part in the Eco Innovators competition - part of a Government campaign, ‘Engineering: Take a...
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  • 21/04/20

    Isolation Resources

    Last week, we posted some helpful links to resources that can help students gain work experience from the safety of home. This week, we would like to remind you of some of the other initiatives and opportunities available, both for furthering education and knowledge, but also for well-being, enterta...
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  • 16/04/20

    Making The Most Of Online Opportunities

    Normally at this time of year, Year 11 would be arranging work experience for after GCSE exams; with many students across Years 10 to 13 also taking advantage of school holidays to complete placements too. Unfortunately, due to social distancing measures, placements for this term have been cancelled...
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  • 14/04/20

    Meet Our Newest Members of Staff

    We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our latest staff additions at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School. After the Easter break, we are joined by Mrs Pemberton (Teacher of PE), Miss Gonzales (Head of Spanish) and Mrs McGuire (Sixth Form Administrator). In today’s blog post, our t...
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  • 09/04/20

    An Update

    There has been a number of conflicting national media stories in recent days which may be causing some members of our school community confusion or stress. One suggestion is that students will be expected to immediately sit examinations upon return to school, which could happen at very short notice...
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  • 07/04/20

    Keeping A Record For The Historians Of The Future

    Heritage and history will always be an integral part of our school identity. From the Saxons to Shakespeare, the Stratford-upon-Avon community is bound by rich historical significance. Today, our community finds itself living through another truly historic time...
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  • 02/04/20

    A Great Way To Spend 25 Minutes Every Day!

    Isolation Blog Series: 1
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  • 31/03/20

    Introducing Our New 'Isolation Blog' Series

    We would like to reassure students and their families that our school community is continuing to thrive during these unique and challenging times. Thanks to our innovative technology systems and the continued hard work of our teachers and associate staff, we are already operating a ‘virtual...
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  • 26/03/20

    SGGS Donate Laptops to African School Project

    Students living in Tanzania have recently received laptops sent to them by SGGS in partnership with UK-based charity, The Meserani Project.  The Meserani Project was established by representatives of Acklam Grange School in Middlesbrough, who, after a trip to Tanzania, wanted to raise funds...
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  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...