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  • 12/03/19

    When World Book Day Met Bake Off: SGGS Style

    To be frank, I don't think I've enjoyed a lunchtime as much as this one... ever. What's not to enjoy about table tops groaning with magnificent bakes; bakes inspired by books, no less. I mean, come on? It's part way nirvana for an English Teacher. World Book Day,March 7th, mo...
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  • 12/03/19

    A Ring, A Swan and a Slipper: Visiting Authors Inspire Creative Ripples

    LITFEST 2019 continued its creative ascent on Wednesday March 6th when The English Department welcomed visiting authors: Jenny Heap ( mum to Kitty in Year 11), Terri Daneshyar and Sue Newgas to the school ready to deliver creative writing workshops to Key Stage 3 students. Armed with curious...
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  • 12/03/19

    Ski Trip 2019

    In February half term 42 Year 9 students all went to Salzburger, Austria on a seven day ski trip. We left on Friday morning (in a sea of bright pink Shottery hoodies) for a 27 hour coach journey to the hostel.  We were full of excitement for the week ahead and the journey flew...
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  • 12/03/19

    Year 11 Theology Trip to Girton College, Cambridge - Student Review

    The day began with a talk by Dr Hilary Marlow, where we all discussed and broke down the question ‘What on earth is Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion?’. It was really interesting getting to know what others’ perspectives were on the topic. We then had a talk with Annie...
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  • 06/03/19

    Diamond Year 7 Readers Vote With Their Hearts

    It's official: the best book written over the past six decades is Ele Fountain's 2018 novel Boy 87!  This term,  a gaggle of forty Year 7 book aficionados have been busily reading 12 of the best books written over the past six decades. Girls were invited to read as many of t...
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  • 14/02/19

    Letter From The Parent of One Of Our Alumnae

    We had such a lovely letter from the father of one of our alumnae, we wanted to share it...
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  • 14/02/19

    SGGS Intermediate Team Wins District Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

    Congratulations to Phoebe Fitzpatrick (Year 8),  Aparajita Gupta (Year 8), and Scarlett Rawbone (Year 9) who triumphed in the Intermediate age category of the annual district Rotary Youth Speaks Competition held at The Croft School on February 13th.  Four Stratford Girls' Grammar Sc...
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  • 28/01/19

    SGGS School Production of 'Into the woods' - Book Your Tickets and Watch The Trailer Here...

    The SGGS Drama department has again created a fantastic production for our enjoyment.   A musical weaving together characters from a variety of fairy tales who then interact in a series of quests. Characters from Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk...
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  • 25/01/19

    SGGS German Exchange Programme - A Student Report

    On the bus from the airport, there was a lot of anxious chatter as we made our way to our host school which was situated next to the grand Nymphenburg Palace in Munich. We were slightly nervous, but also excited about meeting our German partners. We were led to one of the classrooms and introduce...
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  • 25/01/19

    Bronze Arts Award for SGGS Student

    Recently I completed my Bronze Arts Award through The Drama Club in Stratford-upon-Avon.  Arts Award is a scheme which is like DofE but for the creative arts.  The Bronze level is split into four parts: a. take part, b. be the audience, c. arts inspiration, d. skill share.   For...
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  • 25/01/19

    Student Review - ITG LIVE! Trip

    On Thursday 17 January, seven of our students were lucky enough to be invited along to the ITG Live Show, to listen to talks from Professor Brian Cox, Randi Zuckerberg and Mary Portas.  It was a fantastic opportunity, and the students were all asked to share some of their thoughts about their d...
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  • 15/01/19

    Drama - Spring Term Creative Project...

    The SGGS Drama Department has launched into the Spring Term with a brilliant new creative project.  Spanning all year groups, it invites students to respond to a stimulus, in this case part of a script from Ian Kershaw's 'The Greatest Play In The History Of The World' and a pair...
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  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...