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  • 14/03/22

    Paganism and Witches

    On Wednesday the 9 March the RS Department welcomed Dr Maggie Webster who presented a talk about Paganism to full room of year 10-13 students.   Year 12 student, Imogen Hill kindly offered her response to the talk: 
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  • 08/03/22

    A level English Trip to The Globe

    A-level English Literature Trip to see Hamlet at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, London, March 4 2022
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  • 28/02/22

    Cambridge offer recipient, Alice, reflects on her time at SGGS

    Communications Committee student, Camille (Year 12) conducted an interview with Alice who has recently received an offer to study at Cambridge University. We asked Alice to reflect on her time as a Sixth Form student at Stratford Girls Grammar and comment on how she believes the school has help...
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  • 18/02/22

    Voices from our LGBTQ+ community.

    The LGBTQ+ group at SGGS in its current guise was established in 2011. It is run by Year 13s in support of students in Year 10 upwards. It focuses on raising awareness of issues and educating both the group and others on issues affecting them.    In support of the current leadership...
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  • 15/02/22

    Life as a Sixth Form Student : Catching up with Mia

    We have checked in with Year 12 student Mia, who joined our Sixth Form in September. Mia has previously blogged about her initial observations of life as a Sixth Form Student at Stratford Girls Grammar, we wanted to see how she was getting on...
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  • 09/12/21

    Year 12 students visit Newman University Religion & Theology Taster Day

    Recently we attended a Religion and Theology themed Learning Day at Newman University in Birmingham as part of an authorised out of school educational trip. We went to two talks, the first of which focused on ethical and religious language which strongly links to our A-level Religious Stud...
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  • 25/11/21

    Year 11 trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor

    Article written by Priyanshi Agarwal, Aparajita Gupta and Arundhati Gupta 
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  • 24/11/21

    Year 11 ELD Trip to Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
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  • 08/11/21

    Year 8 student, Mariam, secures Championship!

      We are incredibly proud to announce that Year 8 SGGS student, Mariam secured the title of Girls Under 13's English Champion in Squash! Mariam won top spot at the AJ Bell English Junior Champs 2021 held at Nottingham from 28 to 30 October! This is actually the third English ti...
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  • 14/10/21

    One Month in as an SGGS Sixth Former

    In this week’s blog, Year 12 student Mia Featherstone reflects on her decision to join the Stratford Girls’ Grammar School Sixth Form and tells us how she’s finding it one month in. Over to Mia...
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  • 12/10/21

    Year 11’s Fatima speaks at national diversity conference ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    After her GCSE English Language assessment caught the attention of her friends and family, Fatima Dambatta received a personal invitation to speak at this year’s national ‘STAND UP Schools' Human Rights Conference’. In today’s blog, Fatima proudly showcases her inspira...
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  • 30/09/21

    Welcoming our Sixth Form Support Officers

    At the start of September, we introduced a brand new team of Sixth Form Support Officers, who are now the first point of contact for any academic and pastoral assistance for our students. In our latest blog, we introduce Mrs Male and Ms Staniland, who are already supporting the Year 12's tran...
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  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...