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  • 18/05/17

    Rome Trip - A Review

    After a 3am coach journey to Luton, followed by a 7am flight, a group of 26 sleep-deprived girls, supervised by 4 members of staff, touched down at the Leonardo da Vinci airport, Rome. For many of us it was our first time in the city, and so were delighted to see that our shorts and tees, packed in...
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  • 18/05/17

    HMP Onley - Y13 Sociology and Psychology Trip - A Review

    On Wednesday 3rd May, seven Year 13 Psychology and Sociology students had the opportunity to visit HMP Onley, Rugby.  Here is their review of the day.
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  • 09/05/17

    Drama - Year 11 Scripted Performance Exam... A Sneaky Peek!

    It was a really important day in the Drama Dept last Friday.  Year 11 welcomed our visiting external examiner who watched 7 performances. Our girls all performed extremely well and looked confident, comfortable and animated on stage. We were very proud.  Below are some images...
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  • 09/05/17

    Y13 Sociology & Psychology Trip to Law Court - A Review

    On 24th April the Year 13 Psychology and Sociology students were given the exciting opportunity to visit Warwick Law Courts, Leamington to view real court cases in the public galleries. On arrival at 9:00am, we met a court clerk - Ellie Leavsley - who gave us a guided tour of the Magistrates and...
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  • 04/05/17

    British Science Week 2017 - Bake Off!

    In March, we celebrated British Science Week at SGGS. British Science Week is a national celebration of all things science-related to promote the subject and celebrate achievements by British scientists. At SGGS, we aim to inspire and engage the girls to consider what is possible within the realm...
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  • 12/04/17

    Y12 Drama Performance of Them/Us

    Us/Them is a relatively new play which was released at the Edinburgh fringe in 2016 which due to its enormous success, toured to the National Theatre. We initially noticed the play as something that had become incredibly popular in the theatre world but also as a play that really captured modern iss...
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  • 12/04/17

    Rowing Success in the Junior Sculling Head

    An incredible achievement for the girls who competed at the Junior Sculling Head at Dorney Lake on 24 March.  The crew of Jasmin (Myton School), Mya (Kings High), Nixie and Alice (Alcester Grammar) and our very own Naomi Sergeant gave an outstanding performance, finishing 9th of 58 crews, which...
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  • 11/04/17

    The Creation of our New YouTube Channel

    Year 13 students Jasmine Altham and Emma Heritage became the leaders of the Marketing Committee in the summer term of 2016, and they immediately knew they wanted to create something new for the school.  After a meeting with their committee members, they created a YouTube channel to create an in...
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  • 11/04/17

    A Night at the Manor - Y10 Fundraising

    Having heard about the ghost of the Grey Lady who is rumoured to inhabit the Manor, we were very excited when we were offered the opportunity to stay overnight in the manor to put the rumour to rest!  We both agreed that if there turned out to be a ghost however, we would probably scream and ru...
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  • 11/04/17

    First Encounter - The Tempest - A Student Review

    On Thursday 16th March, Stratford Girls Grammar School’s Drama Department arranged a Year 7 trip to The Other Place to watch the RSC’s First Encounter with Shakespeare production of The Tempest.   The adaptation lasted 90 minutes and was aimed at 8–13 year olds, with the...
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  • 04/04/17

    Maths & Beyond at Warwick University - a Student Review

    Maths and Beyond is a Maths Inspiration day held annually at the University of Warwick.  The aim of the event is to inspire school students from Years 10, 11 & 12 to continue their study of Maths, Science and Engineering and to show the interesting ways that the subjects apply to the r...
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  • 22/03/17

    Visit to Artist Alison Lambert - Student Report

    Inside The Mind Of Alison Lambert Excited, curious and nervous - can you guess the school situation?  Believe it or not, these are not the adjectives the Year 7’s used to describe their feelings about their first day at school. But rather, it is the combined atmosphere of the Sixth For...
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  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...