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Current Year 11 Share Their Feedback on Their Day...

A recent SGGS school poll showed that 57% of our Year 11 students have been considering their Sixth Form options since they were in Year 10. Many of our current Year 11 have indicated they have already decided they intend to apply for SGGS Sixth Form, but there are some who suggested they are still assessing their options. On Friday 20th November 2020, SGGS held a ‘Sixth Former For A Day’ programme, designed to give students a taste of Sixth Form life at SGGS and help them to make the best decision regarding their future.

Part of Futures Week, ‘Sixth Form for a day’ saw the normal school timetable suspended and allowed all current Year 11 students to experience A-level lessons and facilities. In our latest blog, we hear from various (anonymous) students who took part on what they have learned.  


What was the most helpful thing you found out about SGGS Sixth Form during this experience?

“I found it helpful to see the kind of environment I would be in and the style of teaching if I decide to stay on at SGGS. I also really enjoyed experiencing how it feels to be a Sixth Form student, from uniform freedom to class sizes to the friendliness of the staff working in the Manor.”

“We did actual A-level work in all of our sessions which was useful to see what that subject is actually like.”

“The amount of support that Sixth Form students get with careers, enrichment and pastoral care in general is amazing!”

“I was very unfamiliar with the Manor and it seemed quite daunting. But being able to spend the day and have the freedom to walk around helped me realise it’s a very comfortable and welcoming space.”

“It helped me to feel more confident in my decision for A-level subjects, now I know I like them all!”

“It made my decisions about coming to SGGS more concrete.”


What aspects of SGGS Sixth Form would you be looking forward to, should you decide to apply to stay?

“The teaching environment and the support offered as well as the Manor community and the subject class styles.”

“I am looking forward to the smaller class sizes, as well as learning in more detail about the particular subjects that I find interesting. I am also looking forward to gaining more independence in my learning, provided by the nature of the A-level courses and free periods.”

“The lessons and the teachers, being in the Manor, the smart dress code that still allows for self-expression and the comfortable and happy environment.”

“I think I will benefit from already knowing the teachers and how I work best in their lessons as well as the teachers already knowing me and therefore knowing how to best help me if I’m struggling.”

“The Manor is a great place and I would love to be able to work there. All the rooms are very welcoming and comfortable and have a great atmosphere where I know I will be able to work well. I also know all the teachers here and love their teaching methods so I know what to expect in Sixth Form.


Was there anything about being an SGGS Sixth Former that does not fit with your expectations or hopes for a sixth form?

“No, I loved the experience and I am looking forward to next year.”

“It shocked me how independent we were able to be throughout the day.  I didn't expect to be given that much freedom over what and when I did things throughout the day.”

“Maybe I haven’t heard enough about them but societies/ clubs exclusively for Sixth Form or specific careers.”

“I wanted more lessons in the Manor, but that’s all.”

“No, I was really pleased and surprised at how much I liked the atmosphere.”


Was there anything you did not find out that you would like more information on?

“The majority of my questions were answered throughout the course of the day”

“Maybe some more information from Sixth Form students about things that have changed (good and bad) since moving from lower school. It was covered a bit in the subject speed dating.”

“I'd probably have liked a bit more information about the enrichment opportunities, however, I am sure there will be plenty of time to look over it all in the next few months.”

“I think having another Sixth Form day later on in the year after we have had a chance to decide what we want to take would be useful.”

“No, I think I received all the information I needed to understand my options.”


Additional feedback

“I really enjoyed today, thank you for putting it on! It was very helpful and a great end to futures week.”

“It has made me lean a lot more towards going to SGGS Sixth Form, I don’t think I’d get the same level of familiarity and support anywhere else.”

“An incredibly helpful day and made me realise that I think it’s the best place for me. The fact that the subjects did actual lessons gave you a real insight.”

“This was a fantastic opportunity to confirm my A-level choices and has made me feel much more secure in what is a difficult and stressful time, thank you!”

“It was one of the most enjoyable days I have had since joining the school. Being able to experience what being a Year 12 is like has made me appreciate just how fantastic the school is, and I cannot wait to stay and experience it next academic year.”


Did you miss our recent SGGS Sixth Form Open Event? You can still take part virtually by visiting the SGGS Website.

You can also view a copy of the SGGS Sixth Form Prospectus right now by clicking here.